Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Today I felt worse after the WOD than any other time in my life that I can remember. I laid on the ground for at least 35 minutes before being able to get up without the threat of throwing up or passing out. This is good though. I needed this.

13.5 Open WOD
4Min AMRAP 15 Thusters@100 15 CTB pullups
If you make 3 rounds in 4min you get a 4min extension and so on and so on.

I got 123 reps or 4 rounds and 3 thrusters
I knew I had to get at least a 1:15 split on the first 3 rounds to make the cap. I got the first round done at 50 sec. (all butterfly pull-ups) then started the second round at 1min. I got done with the second round at 2:08(I think 10 butterfly then 5 regular kipping). I started the last at 2:20. I had to break up the thrusters up into 5's and all my CTB's were regular. The last ten were all singles with no rest. I did this on purpose to try and save a little bit for the next round. I finished at 3:56. That when the shit fest started. I did sets of 5 on the thrusters again and all singles on the chest to bars with lots of rest. Finally ending with 3 thrusters as the clock ran out. This is no where near impressive and much improvement needs to be made. I need to be in the 150's I think. HOWEVER, thrusters have always been my weakest link so getting this score (put me around 190 in my region) was a victory considering I'm just starting from scratch pretty much and only in the testing phase. I'm really looking forward to seeing my next shot at this not only for the better score but hopefully recovering better and not feeling so horrible. I do also know that my entire back being wrecked from the deadlifts had a large part in my post WOD near death experience.

Pain report

All pain has been reduced to pretty much regular soreness. I don't feel any real pulls or scary joint/tendon issues anymore so that's good BUT I am completely wreck from head to toe right now. I'm actually looking FORWARD to a 60min row tomorrow. God, didn't think I'd ever say that.

Today is maybe a 7 just for mental reasons though. Anxiety, poor sleep last night, and all that, glad it's over. NEXT!

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