Friday, February 21, 2014

...Without a dope beat to step to

Another long over due post. I've been living, working, filming, training in that order. Life is fucking awesome right now. wouldn't change it for anything. 2014 is looking really sweet for our entire crew. The open is coming up and this season is going to be great.


Strict press 1RM
226# PR Failed the first time. came back to hit it.

HSPU 100 for time - 6:20 neck and thoracic waqs wrecked after this.

didn't do the burped row sod

Snatch grip deadlift tempo @4020 3 sets of 5
I worked up to 255. this was tough, last set i used straps.

TnG Power Cleans 3-5EMOM 8min
I went 5,5,3,5,3,5,3,5. Wasn't that I failed i just wanted them to be good and wanted to hold back ever so slightly with my grip. thumb was bothering me and didn't want to rip.

5 rounds for time
15 Power snatch@95
45 DU's
I only did 3 rounds shoulder and back was still jacked from hspu's around 7min all DU's UB.

Airdyne 30sec @85% 30 sec @50% x30
Done. First time doing intervals since the new training design. was tough but felt great afterwards.

I'm a little sore but I've just not been training so my capacity is super low.

Sleep has been not optimal. Lots of traveling and long nights recording, hanging out, etc. still getting in 8hr on average though.

I'm off all supplements except for caffeine and creatine. I'm drinking a butt load of coffee, probably need to cut back but hey, i like it.