Monday, September 30, 2013


Approaching aerobic normalcy

I wasn't a runner when I started this whole training thing and I'm admittedly still not. I'm the opposite. I probably still look less like a gazelle when I run and more like a bear. However, my aerobic base has been increased to the point of blatantly obvious over the last couple months. I'm not only noticing a higher threshold in training but also just walking around doing day to day activities. Good stuff.

400m @85%
Rest 2min
So I dipped down a little bit on the laps but again, it was suppose to be 85% not all out. Even if I did go a little harder on the last one. That crazy thing is that a month ago, less volume than this and at a lower intensity would have kept me from walking for a week afterwards because of my calf and leg DOMS. The day after, I feel almost nothing from the run (Though I feel other things which we will get to)

20 Squat Snatches @185 for time
I did this 8/6 @ 190 and it took me 9:16. I'd say we could call that a little bit of an improvement. I'll leave it at that.

15 Squat Cleans @185 for time rest 4min
I bit the dust on the third round. Hit a wall pretty hard, not gonna lie. Round 1 I went 8/7, then the 2nd I went 8/4/3, then the third it was 5/3/2/11111.

100 OH Walking Lunges for time 95#
Ouch. Thats really all I have to say. I did sets of 12 then two sets of 8 to finish. I think thats right.

Pain Report: I need a thumb in my butt pretty bad right now. You know.... digging into the glutes. Get out of the gutter. Little calf soreness, little shoulder nag but over all not bad. My upper Thoracic has been bothering me for a while now. It comes and goes and I can't figure out if its my erectors or my actual spine. Bothers me in the morning mostly. I had My Chiro look at it and he said it's prob muscles not a disc. We will keep an eye on it.

Sleep Report: Things are good, still getting to bed by 10:30 and sticking with the ZMA and MELA. I had coffee at 1:30 today which is past my time rule but it was a stressful off day so I treated adding another stressor...ha.

Mentally today I've been a roller coaster. Seems to be ending on a 7 or so. I'm about to head into work and see my garage family hit it hard. That should help.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Am I suppose to suck this bad?

Today started off good. 133UB Double unders during my warm up. Huge PR even from when I was ok at them back in the day. But it ended pretty crappy.

2 Weighted CTB Strict Pullups rest 2min between rounds
These were about right. The belt made it a bit harder as that ROM was more since there wasn't a vest sticking 3 inches out of my chest.

8 Bent Over DB Rows x 3/arm rest 1min between arms
The biggest DB's we had were 55lb. These were pretty easy. Need bigger DB's I guess?
Also, I did these standing instead of on a bench. I found out later that wasn't correct :/

3Rounds of
for time
20 CTB pull-ups
10 Muscle ups
20 T2B
Rest 5min.
The 2nd and 3rd round are almost too embarrassing to post. Was I suppose to suck at these this much? I know I did alot of pulling but I missed my first MU on the second rounds. FTW. Not cool. I basically did all singles for the other rounds. ridiculous amounts of rest. I actually just sat down the third round because I kept failing. No Idea what happened. I felt great going in today, the volume shouldn't have been too much. I slept great. Had food in me, a little caffeine but not much. My CTB were unbroken, then 10/10 then 5/5/5/5. My first and last round T2B were unbroken. The middle round went 12/8. I feel defeated on this one. 

Pain report: Pretty much no pain anywhere. Shoulders are a little naggy but not bad. But I think I ruptured my pride today. 

Mentally I'm bummed about the performance. Can't figure out why that one had me at failure so easily. I'm about a 6.5 from that. I'm going to forget it and try to raise up to at least a 7.5 by tonight.

Sleep Report: I slept alot last night. Went to bed about 11 and woke up around 8:30. I was a little drowsy but I think that's good considering I've been waking up super early and not being able to go back to sleep. I could be wrong but it feels like more of a proper cycle.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Back to Shoulders

So I had a nagging pain a couple days ago and it went away, I'm not saying its back but my shoulders are definitely rocked. I did all this with Ice-Steve from CF North Atlanta today. Good times.

20 Unbroken pushpress 105lb. rest 30 sec
10 Muscleups for time rest 4min
These are the elapsed times with the rest and push presses. Man, I didn't anticipate the P.Presses having that much of an affect on my MU's. I had a freak miss on my second MU in the first round(I tried the push off method for the dip to make the lock out more obvious and it messed me up a bit). After that I went 7/3,6/3/1,5/3/1/1,5/1/1/1/1/1 I failed a total of about 5 throughout the entire session. I still feel myself pushing past where I know I would have a couple weeks ago, so improvement.


3 Supinated(underhanded) Strict weighted pullups 40lb. Rest 20sec
15 CTB Pullups rest 4min
These were all consistent and unbroken butterflies. Felt good. Probably should have gone heavier on the weighted underhands.


20min at 65% on Airdyne
257 cal / 6.1miles
This was nice. The whole session I stayed around 1000cal/hr with no issue. 

Pain report: Shoulder is a little iffy but not scary. Mid back is a little sore from yesterday and my quads are still sore from...well everything. Those Quads are getting better though. 

Sleep report: I slept for alot longer than I thought last night. Lights out around 10:30 and Though I was up in bed for a while, when I asked Elise what time it was(thinking it was 6am) she said 8.....Damn. I need to start checking my phone when I actually wake up so I have a more accurate reading on my actual sleep.

Today, I'm a good 8.5-9 mentally.

Some footage my PMS (pain management specialist) got of my last round of CTB's

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Changing it up

I messaged Max the other day and said"My quads are wrecked and my shoulder has a nagging pain" He gave me an altered session for today with no shoulders...and MORE quads. Ouch.

7x2 Squat Cleans @245lb. 
rest 3min. between sets
This was too light under normal circumstances, but I literally could barely stand up the second one of each set. Leg's were beyond wreck.

10 Unbroken HangSquat Cleans
Row 90 sec @ 85%
Rest 2min
Done. This wasn't as bad as I thought. I kept thinking 50 hang squat cleans FML (F&*# My Legs) But I got through it just fine. I'm guess the LA was flushed out after the heavy cleans.....but then I got done and nope it's still there.

10min AMRAP
10 Powercleans 135
20 Situps
10 Boxjumps
6+15 situps
I'm not going to lie, I felt like a monster during that workout. I did everything unbroken and only rested about 5sec between the BJ and cleans. The box jumps were fast and the cleans weren't even tough to go unbroken TnG until the last two rounds. It felt good to feel like I kicked a WODs butt. I also felt pretty good afterwards. 

Pain Report: This is probably obvious but my quads are rocked. Haven't been this sore in a while, but I like it. No worries. My left shoulder was acting up yesterday(which is why we adjusted the program) and it seems fine today. No catches during my everyday movement which is what it was doing yesterday.

Sleep report: I got pretty good sleep last night. Connor keeps waking in the middle of the night so there isn't much I can do about that but I was able to get a total of about 9 from down to rise. I really think the ZMA and melatonin are helping.

Mentally I am a 9 today. (8 if you consider me being worried about people looking at me funny for not really being able to walk like a normal human)

I went to get sweat bands and this is the only color they had left. Looks like I'm ready for breast cancer awareness. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Wait, what did I do this morning?

You know your training is serious when:
A. You train so much on a given day that you forget what all you've done.
B. You don't even think about what you did the day before anymore.
C. People ask you what you have to do today and you sigh because you know it's going to take a while to tell them (Seriously, I'm just gonna start saying "Beating the $h1t out of myself")
D. All of the above.

400m Run @85%
rest 2min
So I'm pretty sure that these times would have been my 100% two months ago. Super happy with how I felt this morning. I don't know what happened on the 5th round, I guess I just didn't have my cadence right.

1 Squat Snatch @210lb. EMOM 12min
Done. I had two SNAFUs on round 6 and 11 (lost in front) but picked it back up and made it in time for the minute.

6 FrontSquats @225lb. EMOM 8min
This sucked alot. It sucked more knowing that I had alot more quads afterwards. I did the first 6 sets without setting the bar down. The last two were 3/3. My elbows were just getting too low to chance it.

For Time
30 Squat Snatch
90 Wallballs
The only way I describe this after the Heavy snatches and Frontsquats is UNFAIR. My legs were literally still shaking from the squats when I hit start on the clock for this one. I went way too slow on the snatches but hey, like I said, it was a mental battle just to start this one. I literally just had to say FV(K it let's get it over. I started at doubles every 15sec for the first min. and switched to singles every 15 sec. after that. I should have and probably could have stayed at doubles for at least the second minute. If this comes up again that will be my plan. WB's were 7 sets of 10 with exactly 10sec rest then one last set of 20. This was about right and out of my comfort zone. 

Pain report: My hip isn't acting up like it was yesterday so we will see how it feels tomorrow morning. MY.QUADS.ARE.DEAD. I don't see how it would be possible for them not to be sore for a couple days after this. Looking forward to finding out. Also looking forward to an off day tomorrow.

Sleep report: Sleep seems to continue to improve. I stayed up until almost midnight last night and ended up coherent around 8am. I think I will try to stick to 10:30 on weekdays and midnight at the latest on the weekends for another stretch and see how I progress. I can always get to bed earlier on the weekend if I start to see regression in my recovery time.

My awesome wife snuck some pics of me during the last WOD this afternoon.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


I need the new iPhone.

No really, it's important for training. The slow motion @ 120 FPS is a must for proper form. I promise that's the only reason.

Weighted strict CTB Pullups 5 sets of 3 @20lb.
I should have gone heavier on these. I've never done them so had no clue. Will do more next time.

Barbell rows 3 sets of 5 205lb.
Again, probably a little light. I've done this exercise at 275lb for a double but that was 20lb. ago and when I was only lifting. They were no problem. Rob actually got a really cool slow mo video of it with his new phone. 

For time:
20 Muscleups
40 GHD
60 CTB pullups
I was over all happy with this. I did 10 Muscleups UB then 5, then 2 and the rest quick singles. Time there was around 2:30 so pretty big improvement. The GHD's were all UB I slowed down a bit at 30 bit never stopped. Haven't done those in a while, may feel them tomorrow. IDK. The CTB was where it slowed down. I did about 11 butterfly, then went to 5's 3's and I actually ended with really fast singles. I felt like dropping and getting right back up was a better decision time wise then sitting around between sets just to do 4-5 at a time. Today was pull pull pull pull pull so I'm guessing this was kind of expected. I definitely found my wall on them.

My right hip is really acting up most likely from the running but everything else is pretty good. My right lower back is a bit tight. We will see how tomorrow goes with all the snatches and squatting.

Mentally today I'm almost at a 9.

Sleep last night was good. I went to bed a little late (12) but I slept in til about 8 so the time was still there and I think my ZMA and Melatonin (at 2mg now) is working well. Waking up less and still not graugy (sp) in the morning.

Really thankful for this video. A lot of my muscle-ups aren't full lock out. It's no extra effort on my part, but I need to make them cleaner. Can't afford a no rep there.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Today was an Unbroken day.

That's always a good thing in my mind. I was able to complete each portion of the training and all sets without breaking them into smaller sets. 

5 Pushjerks @205 rest 30sec
6 Muscleups rest 30sec
15 HSPU rest 30sec
12 CTB pullups rest 30sec
30 Calories on Airdyne rest 4min
4:22(2:22 without rest)
Since I did everything unbroken, the only time limiter was the Airdyne. That royally sucked at the end. The time drop offs were mostly that. All my CTB were butterfly today which I was not expecting. I almost missed the last rep of the last set of muscle ups at the turnover but recovered and locked it out.

Run 15min @ Z1 (65%)
This was actually kind of nice. It was beautiful outside today. I didn't think about our neighborhood being hilly, so the run out was all down hill and the run back was all up hill. That got a little rough but I turned around at 6:30 instead of 7:30 and ended up timing almost perfectly. My wonderful wife Elise did this with me. Unfortunately, being 5'2" my 65% was probably more around her 95%. 

Pain report. Today it was very lactic during the workout but no pain afterwards and the ADDuctor pain from the squat cleans has just about completely disappeared. I really feel like my recovery is going through the roof compared to normal. Good stuff. 

Today, mentally I'm at a 9. Good talk with coach today, and almost all positive things going on.

As I've mentioned I've been reducing my controllable stressors recently, mainly sleep. I got some ZMA(Zinc Magnesium Aspartate) and Melatonin to help with my sleep adjustments. Day one and I already stayed asleep longer than the night before. I am at an extremely low dosage on the melatonin(1mg) because as some of you may know, it can make you feel hung over the next morning if over dosed. So far so good. We will see how this progresses as I adjust to my new sleep schedule.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Day two of early to rise, early to bed.

I didn't get up at the crack of dawn today but it was still way earlier than what's been the norm. It didn't affect me quite as bad today as yesterday. Kinda boring today but good solid work. I liked it.

10 min amrap @85%
Row 350m
10 power snatch 95#
30 double unders
rest 10 min
10 min amrap @85%
Airdyne 15 calories
15 kbs 1.5 pood
15 box jumps 24" (step down)
rest 10 min
10 min amrap @85%
Run 200m
10 deadlift 225#
10 burpees

I didn't get up at the crack of dawn today but it was still way earlier than what's been the norm. It didn't affect me quite as bad today as yesterday.
Part one: 3+270m row
I kept a pace around 1:45-50, went tng on all the snatches and unbroken on the double unders. I just rested a good amount between each movement to keep the effort down. Was probably the worst of the three.

Part two: 4+7calories
The again, a steady pace on the air dyne, UB kbs and box jumps were steady with a step down(time consuming) I rested about 8 sec between each movement except the last round was a bit faster.

Part three: 3+5 burpees
The run felt good today with the breeze and a temp of about 70. The deadlifts were hard because I was going slow at first to stay at an 85% pace (also, I was just hinging at the hip after yesterdays cleans) After the second round I let them drop with out tension and it got easier so I upped the pace a bit. The burpees were all consistent. My pain management specialist said I was rounding my upper back but after inspection of video, I was just a little internally rotated with my shoulders. I think he's crazy. ;)

Pain report. So yesterday I said I was wondering if my quads would be wrecked today after the Airdyne and WB/Clean/Clean yesterday. They actually aren't. What IS a little sore is my ADDuctors. Not bad though the only thing that was uncomfortable were the snatches for the first round or so.

Today, mentally, I'm an 8. Got some bad news about a stubborn friend(You know who you are). Anyways other than that I'm pretty darn good.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The early bird catches hell for the rest of the day because it got up to damn early and trained.

So, that's just paraphrasing the original quote obviously. Today, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. I'm trying to lower my stress, through no caffeine after noon, getting to bed by 10:30 and zero alcohol for a couple days but it's a process, I can tell my body's been off from the circadian rhythm. I know this will help alot of things(mainly recovery) in the long run but it's hard starting the change. 
 Anyways, I went into the gym about 5:30am this morning on bullet proof coffee only(French press black with coconut oil and real butter) to do my AM stuff and see our awesome 5:15 class.

30sec @85%
30sec @50%
So I went about 9.5 miles. I didn't record the first couple intervals. There was a malfunction with the reader. Anyways, I stay a little higher this time for my 85% around 1700 with highs in the 1900's and lows in the 1500's.

Squat Snatch 3 EMOM for 10 min. @135
It was pretty hard to get back going this afternoon even after a nap. I actually had a hiccup on the second minute and missed a snatch but I recovered fine.

40 Wallballs
rest 30sec
10 Squat Cleans @135
rest 30sec
5 Squat Cleans @225
Rest 3:30
This sucked royally. I went unbroken on the first two rounds of wall balls and broke the third at 26, not because I couldn't do more, but all I could think about was how much those squat cleans were gonna suck after the L.A. build up. My 135's went 6/4 for the first two rounds and 4/3/3 for the last round. My 225's were all singles form the start with progressively more standing around asking myself if I'm going to be able to do another one without failing.

My legs should probably be destroyed tomorrow. For now, they are ok we will see how they feel in the morning. My lower right erectors on my back were pretty locked up in the last wod. I hit it good with a lacrosse ball but I'm still feeling it. I think it's mainly poor form on the 135's cleans after those wallballs.

Mentally today I'm back to an 8. Not much else to report except for I can't wait to start reaping the benefits of less tv at night, no caffiene after noon, and hitting the bed earlier.

5AM class getting ready to hit it.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Two days off and back to it.

I had a mental lull saturday but I'm back now and trying to up the dedication. Better food, More sleep, more sun, less caffeine, zero alcohol.

3 rounds for time:
5 Muscle ups
Rest 10 min
5 rounds for time:
7 CTB Pullups
7 Ringdips
Rest 10 min
7 min AMRAP
7 Toes to bar
7 HR pushups

1. 3:11

2. 2:49

3. 9+3 T2B

I felt nauseous after each wod right up until I had to start the next one. I went in on only some fruit, but no caffeine. Not sure what the deal was there. I think two days off made it hard for me to get my head right coming in on a triple wod.

For the First one, I did the first two rounds of muscle ups unbroken but failed on my 4rep of the third round. The handstands were all unbroken but the last round was actually tough.

Second WOD was the only one I was happy with. I did it all unbroken and even ended up butterflying the CTB. I started out with regular for some reason and then realized it was only 35 reps total.

Last one I was worried about because HR pushups are the only thing that still bothers my labrum after three years. That relaxing and impact of the front delt in each rep irritates the hell out of it. I paced myself fairly well considering I didn't know how I was going to do on the pushups. All but the last round of toes to bar was unbroken.

Pain report is boring today. Since it's my first day back I'm pretty good. Upper back was tight waking up this morning. Thats about it.

Mentally, I am about a 7.5 today. Not on top of my game but I do feel good and planning on upping my game on recovery and stress. Practice what you preach right?

Friday, September 13, 2013


What are you doing today Justin?
Handstand pushups.
Didn't you do those yesterday?
Yes. Yes I did.

So I am completely wrecked but I feel good about training. I just feel better about today being my off day. Also, I still need to read closer to before starting the training. Here is yesterdays session.

Behind the neck Split Jerk 2RM(I did a snatch grip and just saw it didn't say that, Doh)
I had a PR for 2 reps on this already but that was when I was only weightlifting. I beat it by 5lb. and considering how wrecked my shoulders are(I could barely lift them when I woke up yesterday) I'm really happy with it. The second rep was a bit wobbly so I called it after that. Video below.

Benchpress 1rep rest 10 sec. (205)
HSPU 24 for time rest 4 min
My times on HSPUs were 31,29,32,35,39sec.
So I was able to go unbroken on all of these and I had to start breaking them up at the 4th round last time I did this. Considering there were 2 more this go round, I'd say thats a big improvement. Also, I just did 70 HSPU the other day.

10 sets at 100%
10 KBS 2pd
10 Burpees
10 Boxjumps 24"
rest 2min.
Round times 58,55,54,57,55,58,55,56,54,53
These were all very fast and I was able to stay consistent. However, they were fast to the point that I wasn't as worried about form and just moving. I don't get to go at 100% very often in this program so I wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything on the table. All the reps were legit but looking back at my first round I need to get more vertical on my burpees. I am still getting used to doing them fast three years after my labrum tear and I've been doing 6 point perfect burps for so long it's almost like a new movement. My shoulder was warm and I wasn't ever scared of hurting anything yesterday so I went for it yesterday. Video below

Prowler Push (truck push)
30sec 100% rest 4min
x10 (rest 8 min between 5/6)
Done, sucked
I used Rob's new 4door tundra, it was alot more difficult to get rolling and had quite a bit less momentum after getting started. Which is better for training....and worse...on my legs

345lb. for a double. 

Last round of my kbs/burp/boxj's with a close call for your laughing enjoyment. It would happen on the  ONLY one I filmed.

Pain report. This may take a while. I am hurting all over. My shoulders are ridiculously tight and my neck is almost to the point of giving me a headache(not quite). My right hip is pretty bad. I was checking it last night and my medial glute is almost unusable. Matt said yesterday that it was firing the entire time I was dipping for my jerk on that side only. This is probably from all this time only splitting with my right side. Anyways, my left side right above my ankle (laterally) around my Achilles/Digitorum Longus is sore to the point of almost feeling pulled. I think it's fine though. My low back feel super weak and it was difficult to get relief last night. I finally did but only after going to bed. sitting or laying on the floor didn't help it. Oh and the ball of my right foot is almost certainly bruised. Hurts to walk on it.(I think this is partially from walking barefoot alot this week on the asphalt at the gym this week)

All these didn't happen from today, most were already there just not really at a level that bothered me. Today kind of brought me over the top on most. 

Yesterday, I was an 8 even with my pain. I'm feeling like I'm really training for something for the first time maybe ever. I have direction and that is empowering physically and mentally.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Buy one Get one Free

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday so I'm putting two days in at once. Don't see any reason not to. Yesterday was bad. Today was worse.

30sec 85%
30sec 50%
18 sets
I know I went 5.8 miles. I didn't look at the calories before it went off. I tried to keep my 85% at 1600cal/hr and I upped my 50% from last time up to 6-700cal/hr

30sec 85%
30sec 50%
18 sets
I was destroyed after this. Biceps felt like I had Rabdo after the first interval. Not sure why. I don't remember my ave/pace but it dropped from last time. around 1:45/1:50 for the 85% and like 2:05-2:10 for the 50%. I think I went around 4400m total.

1 Weighted pullup 80# Rest 10 sec
12 CTB pullups Rest 30sec
7 Muscleups Rest 5 min
I'm just going to give you the splits without the rest times taken out. You can do the math. I started the clock at the top of each round and let it run. The times are in order so the last time (muscleups)is the when I got done with all of it. ;)
I had several no reps. Just wasn't feeling it today.

AMRAP Sets of 5 Unbroken HSPU in 6min
14 sets. I'm not happy with this score but I was just smoked after the muscle-ups. All kipping no missed sets.



10 Hang Squat Cleans for time 225# Rest 5 min.
1:38 4/3/3 (how I split up the reps)
1:08 5/5
1:17 5/5
1:45 4/3/3
I thought I was going to puke or passout after this. I had to sit around for over 30 min before the feeling passed. I wasn't that spent, I was just dizzy and nauseous. I ate breakfast an hour or so before so no idea what it was. I wasn't overly caffeinated either.

1 Squat Snatch every 30sec for 20 sets
Done. Easy. I rested way too long after the cleans.

For Time
50 Calories on Airdyne
200 Doubleunders
This I was happy with. I don't know exactly but the 50 cals took about 2 mins so that means I 200 double unders in about 3 and a half minutes. Huge improvement. All big sets only one or two trip ups at the beginning of a set.

After todays session, I feel ok but I'm really beat up energy wise. Not really sore anywhere except achy in my upper back from all the pulling.

Mentally I'm at about a 6.5 today. Maybe when I get my phone back I'll feel better? HA.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Short and Sweet Sunday

Today was a short sunday. I had to take off Saturday to cheer on and help my athletes at the Gym comp we had. Super excited for them and felt like I did a WOD from just yelling at them.

3 rounds for time:
7 Muscleups
14 Burpee Box jumps (stepdown)
Rest 10 min.
For time:
500m Row
35 CTB pullups


This went pretty well. I did the first round of MU's unbroken regular grip, then both second and third rounds with 5 regular grip UB, then two singles with false. This is the best I've done with single grip. The burpee boxjumps sucked. I feel like I went about as fast as I safely could with a step down. I'm happy with this even though I need to be able to do all these unbroken. 

This sucked. Alot. I'm still trying to figure out why I took so long on the CTB's I mean I went into saying (in mockingly deep voice) "I can get 35 unbroken, but maybe I'll go 20/15 so I'll have something left for the last row". Ya, the reps went 10(butterfly),5 (regular) the 3's and 2's. WTF. I know I was not fully recovered from the first WOD when I started and the row left my pulling a bit weak but I still should have been able to knock out more than I did. I'm completely lost on this one. (Maybe because I had a coupe beers the night before after the event? Won't do that again.)

Pain is fine. I had a little tightness in my neck and Coach Matt worked out afterwards. Dude is awesome and a life saver. I'm great now almost no pain anywhere. Actually I'm starting to feel a bit mushy from the lack of punishment to my body(I had two days off back to back!).

Today, the day after, I'm at a 9. Things went awesome this weekend with the event and we have alot of cool stuff coming up. I also have started to see training manifest positively in my day to day not only in body comp but energy on my days off.

Tent city being set up Saturday morning

Coach Photobomb

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Bubba ran out of gas again, or I pushed my snatch.

Today was the first day I felt good both going into and coming out of the workout. Plus, I didn't screw up the that's good. Oh and I can't wait til fall.

Snatch Grip Pushpress Max - 320#
I didn't really know what to expect out of this one. Never maxed out on it. So I started my first heavy set at 285 and just kept adding 2.5 to each side every set. I finally stopped at 320 but I probably had more in me. Just didn't want to kill my vibe with a fail.

Bench 3 reps @205lb. rest 10 sec.
22 HSPU's for time rest 4min.
These went a lot better than last time. I didn't fall off until the last round. All kipping.

10min AMRAP @ 85%
10 burpees
Row 350m
4rounds + burpees and 200m Row
I was thinking 5 rounds and this seemed about right. I tried really hard not to push past 85% but closing in on that last round with time running out made it hard.

Prowler push 30sec @ 100% rest 4 min
I used our SUV 2011 Santafe. This was hard because as the car picked up speed I had to keep up to apply pressure. This did NOT make it easier, just different. I was sprinting the last 10 seconds. Each pass was around 80m.

Pain report. My neck is bothering me a little from the later HSPU's but all in all, I'm almost pain free...or maybe I'm just getting used to hurting all over...

Today was a 7 mentally but not because of training. Other stuff. Training was 9.

320lb. Snatch grip pushpress


Ignorance is not bliss.

Well, it wasn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last but yesterday, I paid for my stupidity in pain and discomfort. I blame all this on technology. See all the music that I play is on the same device I have allmy email and training on. convenient right? Not today. It means I read my training real quick without my glasses and then put on the music and started training...I will be checking my phone right before each WOD from here on out.

Squat Clean 3 TnG reps @ 225# Rest 1 min
x10 (rest 3min between rounds 5/6)
Soooo, ya, I didn't rest the 3min between 5th and 6th sets. I didn't realize it until after the entire EMOM. I was sitting there wondering why it sucked so much and was like....DAMNIT. Anyways, I deserved the suck. Like I said I've done it before. Remind me to tell you about the Helen story sometime.

Squat Snatch 10 TnG reps @ 95# rest 1 min x4
Uhhhh ya again, I completely read this wrong and suffered the consequences. I did 10 TnG reps EMOM for 4 mins. Ouch. I Got it done though. Ended up being about 30sec rest in-between instead of a minute. FML.

10 sets:
1 min AMRAP sets of 10 Doubleunders
1 min Airdyne @ moderate effort
This is the only thing I did right today. I managed to get 4 sets in each minute and 148cal on the airdyne. I tried to stay over 1000cal/hr pace. The big plus for today was I only tripped up ONE TIME on all the doubleunders. That's once in 400. Makes me feel a little better about them for sure.

Pain Report my quads are a bit more sore than they should be as a result of my idiocy, my right knee under my patella is a bit sketchy and my right low back is a bit wrecked. All just nagging stuff nothing to stop me from performing. Also my two hand tears from tuesday are wide open and healing over, just a slight nuisance though.

Today, I get a point knocked off mentally for screwing up the program but other than that I'm a good. We will call it an 7.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Once more with feeling.

Today starts week two and is obviously playing off the first by adding volume and tweaking rests/movements.

Airdyne 30sec 85%
30sec 50%
291 Calories 
I should have not pushed the last interval as much as I did but I found out Matt did more and figured I would beat him even though it wasn't a score type workout. If I would have found out one interval sooner I would have beat him. Anyways, no more pushing over 85%

Row 30sec 85%
30 sec 50%
I didn't have a score to beat on this one but I still pushed a little harder in the last couple intervals. I stayed around a 140-45 pace on the 85% and 2:00 on the 50%

1 Weighted pull-up strict 80lb rest 10sec.
12 CTB pull-ups rest 30sec.
7 Muscle-ups rest 5min.
Weighted pull-ups 2,3,3,3,3
CTB 17, 21,27,27,29
Muscle-ups 30,55,2:01,1:56,2:00
These are actual times. I did all the math and took lout all the rest. I went strict on the weighted pull-ups today but only did one a round. I started out regular grip and had to go to false grip in the third round. It got ugly. This is nasty and a little degrading to be failing on muscle ups like that. Just so much damn pulling

3min running clock
400m Run 85%
Run 1:31,1:34,1:40,1:42
HSPU 33,24,22,20
Again, I probably pushed the run too hard. I just wanted to see if I could get my 400's down from last time. I've never timed my 400m. HSPU's were better too I think. I was barely able to catch my breath between rounds though with the minute less I got between from last time.

Pain report
My back got tight on the 3rd and 4th runs but still nothing too crazy to report. I hit it good with a ball afterwards. Upper thoracic is sore, but my head/neck isn't bad like last time. Still prob need to get adjusted tomorrow.

Mentally I'm at an 8 today. I wanted to do better at muscle ups but I think the 12 CTB before proved to smoke my pulling a little too much. Other than that I'm feeling chipper. Yes, I used the word chipper. Come at me, bro.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Not so bad.

I felt horrible yesterday but woke up today not quite as wrecked as I thought I would be and todays workouts didn't take the toll I thought they would.

A1. Amrap double unders in 1 min x6; rest 0 seconds
A2. Amrap muscle ups in 1 min x6; rest 3 min


My DoubleUnders ar starting to get consistent. I hit 75 unbroken during set 3!! My Muscleups fell off bad that set as well though. That long set smoked me. Also, the second set I had a bad shoot through and almost tore my arm off, that carried over and made a difference. They seemed to level out for the rest of the sets though.

B1. 2-3 tough weighted chin ups x6; rest 20 seconds
B2. Amrap sets of 5 unbroken CTB chin ups in 1 min x6; rest 4 min

-80lb. for the weighted chin-ups all 3

I was nice and steady on this but my hand tore ON THE LAST FREAKING SET. It was pretty bad and obviously messed me up time wise. This is the first time I've really ripped in probably over a year.

10 rounds for time:
Row 350m
10 burpees


I was thinking this was a sub 25min WOD. I stayed around a 1:55 pace the whole time(my ave pace was 1:58 but that is factoring all my start ups and roll throughs before and after rounds). I stayed extremely consistent on the burpees and just pushed the last set extremely fast. I had way more in the tank than I though I would at the end. Maybe shoot for closer to a 1:50 pace next time.

PAIN is a little less than yesterday. Legs are a little achy from the run and my right hip was flared up but my calfs are way better than expected and I really figured on my shoulders not being worth $h!t but they really aren't all that bad. Don't get me wrong though. I am sore everywhere...

Mentally at a 8.5 today.