Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Once more with feeling.

Today starts week two and is obviously playing off the first by adding volume and tweaking rests/movements.

Airdyne 30sec 85%
30sec 50%
291 Calories 
I should have not pushed the last interval as much as I did but I found out Matt did more and figured I would beat him even though it wasn't a score type workout. If I would have found out one interval sooner I would have beat him. Anyways, no more pushing over 85%

Row 30sec 85%
30 sec 50%
I didn't have a score to beat on this one but I still pushed a little harder in the last couple intervals. I stayed around a 140-45 pace on the 85% and 2:00 on the 50%

1 Weighted pull-up strict 80lb rest 10sec.
12 CTB pull-ups rest 30sec.
7 Muscle-ups rest 5min.
Weighted pull-ups 2,3,3,3,3
CTB 17, 21,27,27,29
Muscle-ups 30,55,2:01,1:56,2:00
These are actual times. I did all the math and took lout all the rest. I went strict on the weighted pull-ups today but only did one a round. I started out regular grip and had to go to false grip in the third round. It got ugly. This is nasty and a little degrading to be failing on muscle ups like that. Just so much damn pulling

3min running clock
400m Run 85%
Run 1:31,1:34,1:40,1:42
HSPU 33,24,22,20
Again, I probably pushed the run too hard. I just wanted to see if I could get my 400's down from last time. I've never timed my 400m. HSPU's were better too I think. I was barely able to catch my breath between rounds though with the minute less I got between from last time.

Pain report
My back got tight on the 3rd and 4th runs but still nothing too crazy to report. I hit it good with a ball afterwards. Upper thoracic is sore, but my head/neck isn't bad like last time. Still prob need to get adjusted tomorrow.

Mentally I'm at an 8 today. I wanted to do better at muscle ups but I think the 12 CTB before proved to smoke my pulling a little too much. Other than that I'm feeling chipper. Yes, I used the word chipper. Come at me, bro.

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