Saturday, September 28, 2013


Am I suppose to suck this bad?

Today started off good. 133UB Double unders during my warm up. Huge PR even from when I was ok at them back in the day. But it ended pretty crappy.

2 Weighted CTB Strict Pullups rest 2min between rounds
These were about right. The belt made it a bit harder as that ROM was more since there wasn't a vest sticking 3 inches out of my chest.

8 Bent Over DB Rows x 3/arm rest 1min between arms
The biggest DB's we had were 55lb. These were pretty easy. Need bigger DB's I guess?
Also, I did these standing instead of on a bench. I found out later that wasn't correct :/

3Rounds of
for time
20 CTB pull-ups
10 Muscle ups
20 T2B
Rest 5min.
The 2nd and 3rd round are almost too embarrassing to post. Was I suppose to suck at these this much? I know I did alot of pulling but I missed my first MU on the second rounds. FTW. Not cool. I basically did all singles for the other rounds. ridiculous amounts of rest. I actually just sat down the third round because I kept failing. No Idea what happened. I felt great going in today, the volume shouldn't have been too much. I slept great. Had food in me, a little caffeine but not much. My CTB were unbroken, then 10/10 then 5/5/5/5. My first and last round T2B were unbroken. The middle round went 12/8. I feel defeated on this one. 

Pain report: Pretty much no pain anywhere. Shoulders are a little naggy but not bad. But I think I ruptured my pride today. 

Mentally I'm bummed about the performance. Can't figure out why that one had me at failure so easily. I'm about a 6.5 from that. I'm going to forget it and try to raise up to at least a 7.5 by tonight.

Sleep Report: I slept alot last night. Went to bed about 11 and woke up around 8:30. I was a little drowsy but I think that's good considering I've been waking up super early and not being able to go back to sleep. I could be wrong but it feels like more of a proper cycle.

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