Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The 1lb. PR

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

 I heard something the other day that didn't make sense to me. I just couldn't figure out the logic behind this question. Why would someone ask that? How could anyone think this is a good path to take? The question was "Should I try to tie my PR in training". Wait what? Step back and think about what you just said. First though, let's examine why you are here. Are you here to get better? Are you here to improve? Do you show up to the gym everyday to become stronger than the day before or are you just here to socialize and maintain what you have because you've reached your peak and are happy with that. If you think that, get out of my gym. Go apply for a government job, you'll fit in better there.
 "Wow Justin, that's a little harsh" you say? Maybe some people don't care about being as strong or as fast as they can be. Maybe they just want to coast by and have no goals. That's fine but I don't want them around my athletes. Everyone I train has to have one thing. One requirement. It's not a bodyweight snatch, or a sub 1:45 500m row. It's drive. They have to have the drive to always work towards something better. If someone does not have that, I can't help them. To be honest, no one can. The best trainer in the world is useless if someone does not have that desire. That doesn't mean I don't like them or I think they are a bad person. Anyone that knows me knows I'm a pretty easy going guy and get along with just about everybody. So if you don't want to get better, we can still be buddies, Hell, we can go have a beer and a burger sometime but I have nothing for you in the gym.
 That being said, let's say someone has that one requirement but still asks this question. My only response is NO. To quote Jon North, "That's why we have half kilo plates." If you are not always training to beat yourself then you will never improve. So why would you want to ever tie? If you were in a race with a damn lion, would you want to be running the same speed as said ferocious feline? I'm going out on a lib and guessing you'd agree just a little bit faster is a better decision.
 Once you have hit that mark, there is absolutely zero reason for you NOT chase that next PR. You may miss, but you will always fail the PR attempt you don't take. A slow crawl forward is like a quiet storm. It may not get the attention of one wrapped in thunder but at the end of the day the outcome is the same. So next time you hit just below your best go get the change plates and be proud of your 1lb. PR.



Tuesday, October 23, 2012


  I failed on backsquat today. 4 months of progress and it ended to the song above. I have plenty of excuses as to why it happened. Bunches of things that I could use to make me feel better about it. Bottom line, I didn't lift the weight. Only hit 3 at 330lb. I was suppose to hit 5. This pretty much ruined my mood for the rest of the day. Time to restructure the program. Plan on doing alot more lifting and less conditioning work for a while.
  On a good note, the interview in memphis went well. Lot of good stuff including a little talk about programming and High/Lowbar squatting. The podcast should be up about a week form tomorrow. I'll post a link when it debuts. (watch for the sweet voice over work in the intro)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Deloading, getting back at it, and caffeine

 I've had a lot going on this last week, just not in the gym. A trip to orlando to see a friend get married, came right before my Deload week. Then a trip down to AL to load a house(which my awesome wife already packed all by herself) and a trip the next day to UNload a house in GA. This turned into about two weeks without a significant load on the bar. Sure, I picked up heavy stuff. So much so that I tweaked my lower back and rolled my ankle a bit. However, I went three days in a row without any legit workout and the only training between my 2 day and 3 day breaks was a silly metcon I made up with a straight bar at my buddy's house I was staying at. All he had was 185lbs.
 I hate deloading, I absolutely loath it. Unfortunately it is a necessary evil. The Texting of weightlifting. My problem isn't the time off physically. It's the head change. I become unmotivated fairly easy and when I am not progressing I get worried about derailing. A week of light weight makes me feel depressed to be honest. Obviously, I still do it and obviously it has worked so far. If you have the same problem, please stick to your guns. If you don't deload, stop telling yourself lies. You're not superman. You need a break. Maybe that's why you're still at a 3/4BW press.
 On another note, I haven't had any caffeine for the last two days and am just now getting over that withdrawal headache. No real reason why except for I think the volume of my consumption has gotten out of hand lately. I know, no such thing right? At any rate, I am going to lay back a bit for a while. Ask my early morning classes and they might say I'm not my normal perky self but as far as training goes I haven't seen a drop. Which brings me to my lifting for this week.
 So when I got back I didn't feel all that great. Still turned out to be a good week.  Back Squatted 325 for 5, Pressed 200 for 3 (this was lacklluster IMO),Snatched 230 from the high blocks, and I actually finished out the week by jerking 331lb. I was very happy with the last one as it came after some illness that I can only attribute to not washing my hands well enough while cooking chicken.
 This weekend is going to be odd as we are taking a trip to Memphis to promote The Garage Games series and Box Complete on a Podcast held by FactionSC.com . Hopefully we'll get to train with the guys up there. Great athletes and always fun hang with.



JERK 331lb.