Thursday, October 24, 2013



So I mentioned in my last post that my the ball of my foot was bothering me. It got worse. Actually to the point of not really being able to use it. Funny how you don't think about how you use your foot for you know....EVERYTHING until you can't. I took about a week off with just some little biking thrown in there. I started back a scaled version of training sunday. Still a little bummed that my foot isn't back to 100% yet but it's good to be back in the gym at least.

3 Muscleups EMOM 15
This was a challenge as I hadn't really done anything in a week but it was good. Hit them all unbroken, never really got worried about failing even with a couple ugly ones.

30sec @95-100%
3min rest(6min between round 4/5)
This sucked WAAAYYY harder than I thought. It wasn't while I was on the bike so much as after I got off trying to recovery. Lots of buildup. I averaged about 17-20 cal each interval.

Oct. 22
5 Strict press @135 rest 10sec
AMRAP strict UB HSPU rest 20sec
20 Ringdips
rest 4min
1.19/1:57(for all of the work)
The HSPU seemed so hard after the press. Pretty crappy numbers IMO but again, I'm just happy to be back at it.

Side planks AMSAP rest 1min between sides 
I dropped on these almost everytime because of loss of feeling or tingling in my feet and/or hands. They sucked though.

Oct. 23
Weighted strict pull-up clusters 1.1.1x5(rest 20sec between reps and 3min between rounds)
I had coach Matt check my chin and they were all legit, but a couple of the last ones were super close.

Bent Over Rows 4x8
The 225 was getting pretty tough on the later reps. All pulled to sternum 

For time:
20cal airdyne
10 UB CTB pullups
I feel ok with this. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Though I held back a bit on the bike to ensure I was able to recover for the pull-ups. I thought I would have more worries about not being able to go unbroken on them in the later rounds and end up standing around a while, but I had pretty much zero transition time and never felt worried about not making the reps. All were butterfly but the last 2-3 of the last round.

Pain report: My right foot, duh. My upper right side of my back is pretty achy. It may have been throwing the weighted vests on for the pull-ups. I've got rowing today, we will see how it goes.

Sleep report: The last two nights have been pretty awesome. Got in bed before 11 and felt good getting up around 7:30-8.

Mentally I'm an 8. I'm not letting the foot get me down. I'm just ready to start building some more momentum.

Monday, October 14, 2013



Today, I tackled another Open WOD and PR'd again. This training may just be paying off.

Power Clean - Build to a heavy single - 295
This was not suppose to be a max so I stopped here

Pushjerk 3RM - 275
I got a little overzealous and made too big of a jump (20lb) to 295. I got it once but couldn't get under to lock out the second one. Soooo I don't know what to think about this. On one hand this is more than I've ever push jerked before but on the other hand, with a split jerk PR of 365 I would think I should be able to do way more. I think it really just comes down to needing to practice the movement more.

3-6-9-12-15 etc.
CnJ 135
105 reps
This was a 7 rep PR from last time. I said I would get 110 the next time but didn't pull it out. However, I haven't really focused on toes to bar this cycle. I was able to go UB TnG through the 9 round and 7/5 on the 12. Last time I was able to get through 14 T2B(thinking I had done 15 before dropping) and this time I was only able to get sets of 5 on the 15 round. This was from my grip probably due to the extra CnJ's. Either way it gave me enough time to crank out the extra reps at the end. I still think I can get 110 fairly easily, I just need to attack the last CnJ's more aggressively so I can get back on the T2B.

Pain Report: So I don't know if it is broken or what, but the ball of my foot on the right and the three middle toes are really sore. I can't tell if it's swollen but it hurts to walk on it. I'll limp around today and see if it's better tomorrow. Other than that, my hamstring and quads are sore but I'm pretty good.

Sleep report: I went to bed a little late last night (Around midnight) but I got some good sleep so I'm feeling good today.

Mentally today I'm an 8. My foot has me a little concerned but I'm sure it will be fine. Making me thankfully for not being a gymnast......Pope ;)

Saturday, October 12, 2013


More Testing.

I did a retest of the regionals WOD Wednesday and PR'd considerably. Today was an open tester.

15 Snatch singles 215-245
1. 215
2. 215
3. 220 miss
4. 220
5. 220
6. 225 miss
7. 225
8. 225 miss
9. 225 miss
10. 225
11. 225 miss
12. 225 miss
13. 215
14. 215 miss
15. 215 
This was a shit fest. I haven't snatched over 185 in like a month I think? All misses were in the front because I couldn't stay back and was loose. Nothing unexpected though. Heavy singles has not been my training focus at all and bottom line it's not going to get me to regionals. Also, while we are on the subject of excuses, my hamstrings are still rocked from several days ago. So I'm fine with this and you'll see why in a minute.

BackSquat 3RM
My right knee started bothering me a little bit so I stopped here. Truthfully I probably only had 245-50 in me today anyways. Again, hasn't been my focus at all so the numbers are down.

13.3 (Wallballs/DU's/MU's)
259 (8:10)
So this was a PR of 14 reps from last time. My effort was 85% on the WB, 90% on the DU's and 95+ on the MU's. My Karen time was 6:49 and I wasn't even smoked. Pretty excited about that. My DU's went 35,50,65,90 I think. Was trying not to redline here. I hit 5 MU's on the first set then a couple twos and to singles. I was trying hard not to fail because I knew what it would do to my head. The only rep I failed would have been the 20th one at the end as time ran out. I felt more smoked on the MU's than I thought I would be and I need to improve this still but I am happy with how far I've come in the last cycle. This score would have put me at 125th in my region. Nothing to turn heads but it's a bit of an improvement from my last standing at 1000th or something like that.

Pain report: My knee was acting up on the squat but probably just because I'm not used to being loaded to that extent right now. I'm pretty sure I have a bruise on my the ball of my foot. I dont know if it's from running or the box jumps or the double unders or what. It didn't really affect me in the WOD but it's annoying walking around. Again, my hamstrings are bout as tender as a tennessee christmas. 

Sleep report: I slept well last night. I'm still having to use some nasal spray at night though as I seem to only be clogging up when I'm horizontal.

Mentally I'm an 8.5 today. Whatever little negativity I had in my head about the snatch and squat (surprisingly not a lot) was made up for by the 13.3 score.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10/9/13 & 10/10/13

Hammys. Are. Spent.

Today, I had a huge Pr even with getting over this cold. I am starting to get really excited about training and feeling like maybe all this work might actually pay off in the end. That, and also I feel like my butt and hammys might explode of I use them anymore, but thats a good thing.

Deadlift @315
Box Jump 30"
This was not only a 1:23 PR but it would have landed me a 5th place finish at regionals(and only 3 sec away from 3rd!). Considering I had to hock up a snot ball twice during it from all my mucus that's still breaking up I consider this a win. I did the first 21 deadlifts unbroken. I wasn't planning on this but they felt so good I kept going after my first 15 that I said I was going to break at. I went 8/7 on the second round and then 4/3/2 at the end. I wanted to only break up the last round into two sets but it just wasn't going to happen I was at the end of my capacity. The boxjumps were steady but I switched back between rebounding, and jump down, and step down. Really no rhyme or reason to it, I simply was doing what ever I could to continue AFAP.

400m Run @85%
I felt the need to pull back on these a little I knew my hamstrings were going to be rocked at the end and they were. This was probably more like 75% for me normally but it was an honest 90% at that moment just because of my fatigue from the morning and still getting over the cold. I'm guessing that's a  fair trade off. The last round I pushed a bit more just to see what it felt like. I'm glad I didn't because my hammys were right at the danger point. IMO


Today was a simple 20min Row @65%. I decided to go check out the early morning crew at Towne Lake. They were getting it hard like I figured. Good meeting some new faces. I stayed at about a 2:03 pace and ended up around 4800m. It really went by quick to be honest. maybe because it was 6am and I was still half asleep for the first half?

Pain report: No joint pain. A little upper back(going to get adjusted later) and my hamstrings are rocked(sorry for the redundancy). My glutes are sore but not nearly as back as I thought. They were almost to hte point of cramping after the DL/BJ wod yesterday.

Sleep report: Man it's so nice to be able to sleep normal again. I got off the zma and melatonin while I was sick because I didn't want to interfere with the decongestant I was taking but I'm back on it. The only thing I'm still doing is a little nasal spray at night to make sure I'm breathing ok at night because I still get a little stopped up when I lay down. I'm right there at almost 100%. Feeling good.

Mentally today I'm almost a 9. Good news that a friends new born is healthy and coming home soon(smoking a cigar with him when he gets back, don't tell anyone), a PR, feeling recovered, and the gym doing well means I'm just about all systems go for life in general. Plus my sons halloween costume I got for him is BAD ASS. I'll get a picture up later.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


First day back from three off.

I am still not 100%. I'm coughing up green junk and a little stopped up in the nose but the sinus pressure is gone and I'm on the mend so back to it.

10 rounds:
2 Rope climbs
10 Knees to elbow 
rest 30 sec
I was suppose to do this at about 90% and was probably more at my normal 80% pace, but it felt more like 100% today. So ya....
I did all the HSPU unbroken and all the K2E unbroken but the 10th set when I was just trying to finish faster. My rope climbs weren't bad efficiency wise. I started with no rest between reps and the last 4 rounds there was prob about 10 secs in there.

Pain report: Nothing really, my hip is sore but that's from lack of movement for three day. It actually feels better now.  

Sleep report, I didnt get any sleep for 3 days but the last two nights have been great. Glad to be getting back into a groove.

Mentally I'm a 7.5 today just because it's always hard coming back after being ick you feel weak, stiff, slow, and all that. but I know its just temporary and I probably needed the time off in the long run anyways. Onward.

Friday, October 4, 2013



I haven't been sick since I started back training. Yesterday I had a sore throat but didn't feel sick so I trained and I'm pretty sure it made it worse. I feel like dog shit. Pretty much all in my head throat though.

30min AMRAP @ 80% with HR Monitor ( I used a cute little pink one. Thnx Pope)
200m Row
15 WB
50m Farmers carry 1.5pd(in each hand)
1min Airdyne
20 Sandbag Walking lunges (70lb)
20 situps
6rds plus 200m row
I couldn't figure out how to record splits but I check the monitor every 3min and I stayed between 147-165 the whole time. It said my average was 150. I never spilled into lactate. (maaaaybe a smidge on the walking lunges). This was diffuclt as I couldn't breath through my mouth because of the sore throat.

20 min Run @65%
I wore the HR monitor and it said my average was around 154. I thought that was a bit high but again, all nose breathing. I also had a heavy lunch and was sluggish the first 10 min.

Pain Report: I'm not sore anywhere, I'm just achy from this head cold and my throat is raw.

Sleep report: Not much to report as I don't think I actually fell asleep last night at all. Miserable. I almost  got up a couple times and downed a couple shots of rum so I would pass out. I didn't though.

Mentally yesterday, I felt good until about lunch. Then everything started to spiral downward. I'm caffeinated right now and that's the only thing keeping me above a 6. I think I'll go play some video games and be a degenerate...

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Damn Sore Throat.

I went to bed last night with a bit of a sore throat and it woke me up. It's worse now. I hope coffee helps, hurts to breath. No idea where it came from unless it was that soda I had yesterday for lunch(which is an extremely rare occurrence). Here is yesterdays training.

15 Muscleups for time rest 5 min
I killed the first two rounds. I went 11/4 then 8/4/3. Not sure about the third round. I think i went 5/3 then singles. I missed quite a few and was bummed. But something happened in the 4th round. I stopped going to my false grip after I fail on the palm over grip and really focused on being more aggressive to the hips and I started missing less. It wasn't a miracle but it did help me beat my 3rd . I say thats a little breakthrough. 

10min AMRAP sets of 4 Strict pull-ups - 20 sets
I didn't miss one single set on this until the last 40sec. I tried to fit two sets in where I should have fit one and I paid for it by only getting 3 reps both times before time ran out. Bummer but lesson learned

20 min Airdyne @65%
So I did about the same as last time. Around 6mile and 250 calories. The reason why I was so happy about this is I think it was a true 65%. It was almost harder for me to not push harder. It is the first time I have felt GOOD DURING a session. Maybe it was the little bit of caffeine but I didn't want to stop when the time was up. I'm actually starting to ENJOY these Z1 sessions it's weird.

Pain Report: I woke up today with less pain in my shoulders but my rh knee above my patella is bothering me. not sure why I didn't do anything with it yesterday unless it's from Tuesday. Also, like I said above, my throat is super sore.

Sleep report: The throat affected my sleep a little last night. Kept waking up from pain and had to get alot of water, which in turn waking up to pee. haha. I don't feel sick though. IDK.

Mentally yesterday I was the closest to a 10 I've been after training. I am about an 8.5 right now even with my throat and knee dragging me down.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Changing everything.

That's what I feel like I am doing. I have a positive outlook on it but some days are harder than others. I am done letting my lackluster lift numbers get to me and looking at the bigger picture and why I am here doing what I am doing. Today was tough mentally with everything else I had to deal with in the middle and in between my sessions. Got interrupted several times and had several other emergencies I had to deal with. Unavoidable and frustrating. 

10 Snatches @70-85% rest 90sec between lifts
I did two at 200, then the other 8 at 210. No misses but they felt ugly and loose.

Max Clean and Jerk - 305
The clean was ugly and the jerk had a bit of press out so I stopped it there. Also my shoulder was acting up and scared me a bit.

Front Squat 3RM - 305
Again, I made it but it was ugly and cut it off. I haven't maxed out in anything in a while so idk what to judge off of. I consider it a PR that I didn't let the session bother me and just moved forward.

For Time:
30 Burpees
30 Snatch @135
20 Burpees @ 165
I literally had to come in and hit this with no prep or strategy and barely a warm up. Just got the joints moving again and hit a couple snatches (time issue). I'm not sure what my time should be for this but I feel like it wasn't horrible. I went 10/5/5/6/4 on the 135 then 3/3/2/singles for 165. This really attacked my lungs more than I thought it was. That and my upper/lower back.

Pain report: My upper back is bothering me as in it is tight and feels overused. My Right shoulder is acting up a little. It's a little better now, just rotation stuff was bothering me in training today. 

Sleep report: I slept great last night. I've been enjoying sleep more than ever recently. It's hard to complain really. Just some aches from training.

Mentally today I'm about a 5.5. I'm not broken because of training even though I didn't consider today one in the win column, it's just all the other life stuff. I know first world problems. I also got interrupted three different times from my training today which completely threw a wrench in my head.