Saturday, August 10, 2013

8/10/2013 Redemption

It's been sobering having to deal with this joint pain and what I consider poor scores. Today I waited to train and went to see some of my amazing athletes compete in the World Wide Wod. It's always inspiring to watch people at all levels compete and many of our family today tried it out for their first time!! It both got me fired up to train and exhausted all at the same time. By the end of the Competition I was sweating, tired, and horse from yelling and then thought, crap I still have to workout haha. I felt tired the whole time, but I still managed to pull out two PR's even if one was realllly ugly. This is a bit of a milestone because it's the first lifting PR since starting crossfit again. I came out of today feeling great and ready to attack the next one.

Find 1RM in Power Clean - 305
My previous best was only 300. Now I must admit this was by far the ugliest clean I ever made(uglier than alot of ones I've missed actually) and it was just baaarrreelllly above parallel. But I'll still take it.

8Min AMRAP of Power Cleans @ 90% of days 1RM - 21 @270
Because I didn't have 1lb plates and my clean was so ugly I rounded down. I went in thinking 24 was doable and it should be soon but I was honestly just more focused not missing any since I had two misses on the Snatch WOD last week. I started and stayed with singles and I made everyone. I think I need to be at one every 15 seconds for this one.

Lactate Tester
3rd. of 25 KBS @2pd and 25 Burpees - 7:08
This was a big deal for me. First off I beat Dr. Eric in this(we did it at our gym this past wed) and this is his kind of workout. Secondly it was a 61second PR from my previous time which was before I started lifting. This tells me I'm not only stronger than when I started my journey but I'm performing better in a domain I've always considered to be a weakness. I think this time puts me high up with the big dawgs. Super happy.

My strategy was to go unbroken on the KBS and keep a non redline pace for the first two rounds of burpees to have me at a 2:30 split then blow out the last burpees. It worked, I had enough in the tank to shave off almost 30 seconds in the last round.

Pain report

Shoulders are feeling better but I'm still nagging in certain positions. I need to continue to take it easy on them.

Hip is better after a brutal 30min battle with Coach Matt (AKA My pain management specialist) on the massage table yesterday.

Low back started to tighten up on the last round of KBS but isn't as bad as I thought it would be. We will see how I feel in the morning.

I went into today with feeling at about a 3 and ended at about an 8.5 so I can't complain about that.

Last Burpee. Cool shot.

BONUS!!!! After looking for one for about 10 months at places around here, I saw that Max programmed a 10 Min Max Calories on the Airdyne Workout for me for testing and I randomly drove down to a local used exercise store and found an Airdyne with a working monitor. I've probably gone in there 15 times since I moved here and nothing. It's almost like the stars of lactic acid and performance are lining up. Bring on the pain.

Check out this badboy.

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