Thursday, November 28, 2013


A. Squat snatch; build to a tough single
i went to 245 and felt pretty good This was about 100lb more than I've snatched in at least a month and it went up fairly easy on the first attempt.

B. Front squat; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min
320 came up fairly easy. I've been worried and having anxiety about falling off but it doesn't seem like thats happened a whole lot.

C. Muscle ups; 3 on the min for 15 min
My Left shoulder was/is really bothering me but I have gotten sick of having all these excuses to make me not train so I scaled this down to 3 strict CTB pull-ups and 6 pushups

A. Power clean; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 3 min
I worked up to 315 for a single. This was really cool as it is technically more than I've ever done in a power and only 20lb off my squat clean PR. I stopped because class was starting but really felt like I had maybe 10 more lb.

B. Push jerk; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
15 min amrap:
15 power snatch 95#
15 burpees
The last two things, I didn't do partially because my shoulder has been bothering me going over head or fast movements/dips/etc.and partially because class was starting

Row 500m@85%
rest 2min 
Went from 1:40-1:47 highest to lowest

30min Airdyne @65%

Pain report - My shoulder is giving me some trouble so I have been really letting it dictate what I do. Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. Foot pain is almost gone and what I have is from jamming it last week. Soreness is minimal right now.

Sleep report - Sleep is starting to get back to normal. We went to my parents for thanksgiving so we got home late and didn't get to bed at a decent hour but other than that it hasn't been too bad.

Mentally I felt pretty good after yesterdays snatch, front squat, and power clean workouts. I'm still a little down about my shoulder, but like I said I'm over the pity party and am going to start 

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