So I mentioned in my last post that my the ball of my foot was bothering me. It got worse. Actually to the point of not really being able to use it. Funny how you don't think about how you use your foot for you know....EVERYTHING until you can't. I took about a week off with just some little biking thrown in there. I started back a scaled version of training sunday. Still a little bummed that my foot isn't back to 100% yet but it's good to be back in the gym at least.
3 Muscleups EMOM 15
This was a challenge as I hadn't really done anything in a week but it was good. Hit them all unbroken, never really got worried about failing even with a couple ugly ones.
30sec @95-100%
3min rest(6min between round 4/5)
This sucked WAAAYYY harder than I thought. It wasn't while I was on the bike so much as after I got off trying to recovery. Lots of buildup. I averaged about 17-20 cal each interval.
Oct. 22
5 Strict press @135 rest 10sec
AMRAP strict UB HSPU rest 20sec
20 Ringdips
rest 4min
1.19/1:57(for all of the work)
The HSPU seemed so hard after the press. Pretty crappy numbers IMO but again, I'm just happy to be back at it.
Side planks AMSAP rest 1min between sides
I dropped on these almost everytime because of loss of feeling or tingling in my feet and/or hands. They sucked though.
Oct. 23
Weighted strict pull-up clusters 1.1.1x5(rest 20sec between reps and 3min between rounds)
I had coach Matt check my chin and they were all legit, but a couple of the last ones were super close.
Bent Over Rows 4x8
The 225 was getting pretty tough on the later reps. All pulled to sternum
For time:
20cal airdyne
10 UB CTB pullups
I feel ok with this. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Though I held back a bit on the bike to ensure I was able to recover for the pull-ups. I thought I would have more worries about not being able to go unbroken on them in the later rounds and end up standing around a while, but I had pretty much zero transition time and never felt worried about not making the reps. All were butterfly but the last 2-3 of the last round.
Pain report: My right foot, duh. My upper right side of my back is pretty achy. It may have been throwing the weighted vests on for the pull-ups. I've got rowing today, we will see how it goes.
Sleep report: The last two nights have been pretty awesome. Got in bed before 11 and felt good getting up around 7:30-8.
Mentally I'm an 8. I'm not letting the foot get me down. I'm just ready to start building some more momentum.
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