Saturday, October 12, 2013


More Testing.

I did a retest of the regionals WOD Wednesday and PR'd considerably. Today was an open tester.

15 Snatch singles 215-245
1. 215
2. 215
3. 220 miss
4. 220
5. 220
6. 225 miss
7. 225
8. 225 miss
9. 225 miss
10. 225
11. 225 miss
12. 225 miss
13. 215
14. 215 miss
15. 215 
This was a shit fest. I haven't snatched over 185 in like a month I think? All misses were in the front because I couldn't stay back and was loose. Nothing unexpected though. Heavy singles has not been my training focus at all and bottom line it's not going to get me to regionals. Also, while we are on the subject of excuses, my hamstrings are still rocked from several days ago. So I'm fine with this and you'll see why in a minute.

BackSquat 3RM
My right knee started bothering me a little bit so I stopped here. Truthfully I probably only had 245-50 in me today anyways. Again, hasn't been my focus at all so the numbers are down.

13.3 (Wallballs/DU's/MU's)
259 (8:10)
So this was a PR of 14 reps from last time. My effort was 85% on the WB, 90% on the DU's and 95+ on the MU's. My Karen time was 6:49 and I wasn't even smoked. Pretty excited about that. My DU's went 35,50,65,90 I think. Was trying not to redline here. I hit 5 MU's on the first set then a couple twos and to singles. I was trying hard not to fail because I knew what it would do to my head. The only rep I failed would have been the 20th one at the end as time ran out. I felt more smoked on the MU's than I thought I would be and I need to improve this still but I am happy with how far I've come in the last cycle. This score would have put me at 125th in my region. Nothing to turn heads but it's a bit of an improvement from my last standing at 1000th or something like that.

Pain report: My knee was acting up on the squat but probably just because I'm not used to being loaded to that extent right now. I'm pretty sure I have a bruise on my the ball of my foot. I dont know if it's from running or the box jumps or the double unders or what. It didn't really affect me in the WOD but it's annoying walking around. Again, my hamstrings are bout as tender as a tennessee christmas. 

Sleep report: I slept well last night. I'm still having to use some nasal spray at night though as I seem to only be clogging up when I'm horizontal.

Mentally I'm an 8.5 today. Whatever little negativity I had in my head about the snatch and squat (surprisingly not a lot) was made up for by the 13.3 score.

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