Damn Sore Throat.
I went to bed last night with a bit of a sore throat and it woke me up. It's worse now. I hope coffee helps, hurts to breath. No idea where it came from unless it was that soda I had yesterday for lunch(which is an extremely rare occurrence). Here is yesterdays training.
15 Muscleups for time rest 5 min
I killed the first two rounds. I went 11/4 then 8/4/3. Not sure about the third round. I think i went 5/3 then singles. I missed quite a few and was bummed. But something happened in the 4th round. I stopped going to my false grip after I fail on the palm over grip and really focused on being more aggressive to the hips and I started missing less. It wasn't a miracle but it did help me beat my 3rd . I say thats a little breakthrough.
10min AMRAP sets of 4 Strict pull-ups - 20 sets
I didn't miss one single set on this until the last 40sec. I tried to fit two sets in where I should have fit one and I paid for it by only getting 3 reps both times before time ran out. Bummer but lesson learned
20 min Airdyne @65%
So I did about the same as last time. Around 6mile and 250 calories. The reason why I was so happy about this is I think it was a true 65%. It was almost harder for me to not push harder. It is the first time I have felt GOOD DURING a session. Maybe it was the little bit of caffeine but I didn't want to stop when the time was up. I'm actually starting to ENJOY these Z1 sessions it's weird.
Pain Report: I woke up today with less pain in my shoulders but my rh knee above my patella is bothering me. not sure why I didn't do anything with it yesterday unless it's from Tuesday. Also, like I said above, my throat is super sore.
Sleep report: The throat affected my sleep a little last night. Kept waking up from pain and had to get alot of water, which in turn waking up to pee. haha. I don't feel sick though. IDK.
Mentally yesterday I was the closest to a 10 I've been after training. I am about an 8.5 right now even with my throat and knee dragging me down.
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