Today, I tackled another Open WOD and PR'd again. This training may just be paying off.
Power Clean - Build to a heavy single - 295
This was not suppose to be a max so I stopped here
Pushjerk 3RM - 275
I got a little overzealous and made too big of a jump (20lb) to 295. I got it once but couldn't get under to lock out the second one. Soooo I don't know what to think about this. On one hand this is more than I've ever push jerked before but on the other hand, with a split jerk PR of 365 I would think I should be able to do way more. I think it really just comes down to needing to practice the movement more.
3-6-9-12-15 etc.
CnJ 135
105 reps
This was a 7 rep PR from last time. I said I would get 110 the next time but didn't pull it out. However, I haven't really focused on toes to bar this cycle. I was able to go UB TnG through the 9 round and 7/5 on the 12. Last time I was able to get through 14 T2B(thinking I had done 15 before dropping) and this time I was only able to get sets of 5 on the 15 round. This was from my grip probably due to the extra CnJ's. Either way it gave me enough time to crank out the extra reps at the end. I still think I can get 110 fairly easily, I just need to attack the last CnJ's more aggressively so I can get back on the T2B.
Pain Report: So I don't know if it is broken or what, but the ball of my foot on the right and the three middle toes are really sore. I can't tell if it's swollen but it hurts to walk on it. I'll limp around today and see if it's better tomorrow. Other than that, my hamstring and quads are sore but I'm pretty good.
Sleep report: I went to bed a little late last night (Around midnight) but I got some good sleep so I'm feeling good today.
Mentally today I'm an 8. My foot has me a little concerned but I'm sure it will be fine. Making me thankfully for not being a gymnast......Pope ;)
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