Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Twilight Zone

 I've been in a weird situation recently. Injury, then sick, then injury, then head out of it. excuse after excuse, most legit, some probably in my head. All of which, if they were given to me by a client of mine, I would have simply said "suck it up and remember why you are doing this.

 So I started back today after a week of no training and an honest month of poor training. Here is to hoping that I am on the road back.

Squat Snatch @135 every 15sec for 5 min.

Then I did a workout for an upcoming event to see what an average outcoem will be score wise.

7 rounds
5 Power snatch
5 Burpees


I'm just about pain free except for a silly jammed toe from last week

Sleep has been pretty crappy as far as time in bed. Going to have to improve that as I start training again.

Mentally I felt good today. I didn't do anything heavy and didn't go hard. I'm excited to get back in but I know I need to be slow and safe. I can't afford any more roadblocks.

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