Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Changing it up

I messaged Max the other day and said"My quads are wrecked and my shoulder has a nagging pain" He gave me an altered session for today with no shoulders...and MORE quads. Ouch.

7x2 Squat Cleans @245lb. 
rest 3min. between sets
This was too light under normal circumstances, but I literally could barely stand up the second one of each set. Leg's were beyond wreck.

10 Unbroken HangSquat Cleans
Row 90 sec @ 85%
Rest 2min
Done. This wasn't as bad as I thought. I kept thinking 50 hang squat cleans FML (F&*# My Legs) But I got through it just fine. I'm guess the LA was flushed out after the heavy cleans.....but then I got done and nope it's still there.

10min AMRAP
10 Powercleans 135
20 Situps
10 Boxjumps
6+15 situps
I'm not going to lie, I felt like a monster during that workout. I did everything unbroken and only rested about 5sec between the BJ and cleans. The box jumps were fast and the cleans weren't even tough to go unbroken TnG until the last two rounds. It felt good to feel like I kicked a WODs butt. I also felt pretty good afterwards. 

Pain Report: This is probably obvious but my quads are rocked. Haven't been this sore in a while, but I like it. No worries. My left shoulder was acting up yesterday(which is why we adjusted the program) and it seems fine today. No catches during my everyday movement which is what it was doing yesterday.

Sleep report: I got pretty good sleep last night. Connor keeps waking in the middle of the night so there isn't much I can do about that but I was able to get a total of about 9 from down to rise. I really think the ZMA and melatonin are helping.

Mentally I am a 9 today. (8 if you consider me being worried about people looking at me funny for not really being able to walk like a normal human)

I went to get sweat bands and this is the only color they had left. Looks like I'm ready for breast cancer awareness. 

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