Today was an Unbroken day.
That's always a good thing in my mind. I was able to complete each portion of the training and all sets without breaking them into smaller sets.
5 Pushjerks @205 rest 30sec
6 Muscleups rest 30sec
15 HSPU rest 30sec
12 CTB pullups rest 30sec
30 Calories on Airdyne rest 4min
4:22(2:22 without rest)
Since I did everything unbroken, the only time limiter was the Airdyne. That royally sucked at the end. The time drop offs were mostly that. All my CTB were butterfly today which I was not expecting. I almost missed the last rep of the last set of muscle ups at the turnover but recovered and locked it out.
Run 15min @ Z1 (65%)
This was actually kind of nice. It was beautiful outside today. I didn't think about our neighborhood being hilly, so the run out was all down hill and the run back was all up hill. That got a little rough but I turned around at 6:30 instead of 7:30 and ended up timing almost perfectly. My wonderful wife Elise did this with me. Unfortunately, being 5'2" my 65% was probably more around her 95%.
Pain report. Today it was very lactic during the workout but no pain afterwards and the ADDuctor pain from the squat cleans has just about completely disappeared. I really feel like my recovery is going through the roof compared to normal. Good stuff.
Today, mentally I'm at a 9. Good talk with coach today, and almost all positive things going on.
As I've mentioned I've been reducing my controllable stressors recently, mainly sleep. I got some ZMA(Zinc Magnesium Aspartate) and Melatonin to help with my sleep adjustments. Day one and I already stayed asleep longer than the night before. I am at an extremely low dosage on the melatonin(1mg) because as some of you may know, it can make you feel hung over the next morning if over dosed. So far so good. We will see how this progresses as I adjust to my new sleep schedule.
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