Two days off and back to it.
I had a mental lull saturday but I'm back now and trying to up the dedication. Better food, More sleep, more sun, less caffeine, zero alcohol.
3 rounds for time:
5 Muscle ups
Rest 10 min
5 rounds for time:
7 CTB Pullups
7 Ringdips
Rest 10 min
7 min AMRAP
7 Toes to bar
7 HR pushups
1. 3:11
2. 2:49
3. 9+3 T2B
I felt nauseous after each wod right up until I had to start the next one. I went in on only some fruit, but no caffeine. Not sure what the deal was there. I think two days off made it hard for me to get my head right coming in on a triple wod.
For the First one, I did the first two rounds of muscle ups unbroken but failed on my 4rep of the third round. The handstands were all unbroken but the last round was actually tough.
Second WOD was the only one I was happy with. I did it all unbroken and even ended up butterflying the CTB. I started out with regular for some reason and then realized it was only 35 reps total.
Last one I was worried about because HR pushups are the only thing that still bothers my labrum after three years. That relaxing and impact of the front delt in each rep irritates the hell out of it. I paced myself fairly well considering I didn't know how I was going to do on the pushups. All but the last round of toes to bar was unbroken.
Pain report is boring today. Since it's my first day back I'm pretty good. Upper back was tight waking up this morning. Thats about it.
Mentally, I am about a 7.5 today. Not on top of my game but I do feel good and planning on upping my game on recovery and stress. Practice what you preach right?
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