Sunday, September 22, 2013


Wait, what did I do this morning?

You know your training is serious when:
A. You train so much on a given day that you forget what all you've done.
B. You don't even think about what you did the day before anymore.
C. People ask you what you have to do today and you sigh because you know it's going to take a while to tell them (Seriously, I'm just gonna start saying "Beating the $h1t out of myself")
D. All of the above.

400m Run @85%
rest 2min
So I'm pretty sure that these times would have been my 100% two months ago. Super happy with how I felt this morning. I don't know what happened on the 5th round, I guess I just didn't have my cadence right.

1 Squat Snatch @210lb. EMOM 12min
Done. I had two SNAFUs on round 6 and 11 (lost in front) but picked it back up and made it in time for the minute.

6 FrontSquats @225lb. EMOM 8min
This sucked alot. It sucked more knowing that I had alot more quads afterwards. I did the first 6 sets without setting the bar down. The last two were 3/3. My elbows were just getting too low to chance it.

For Time
30 Squat Snatch
90 Wallballs
The only way I describe this after the Heavy snatches and Frontsquats is UNFAIR. My legs were literally still shaking from the squats when I hit start on the clock for this one. I went way too slow on the snatches but hey, like I said, it was a mental battle just to start this one. I literally just had to say FV(K it let's get it over. I started at doubles every 15sec for the first min. and switched to singles every 15 sec. after that. I should have and probably could have stayed at doubles for at least the second minute. If this comes up again that will be my plan. WB's were 7 sets of 10 with exactly 10sec rest then one last set of 20. This was about right and out of my comfort zone. 

Pain report: My hip isn't acting up like it was yesterday so we will see how it feels tomorrow morning. MY.QUADS.ARE.DEAD. I don't see how it would be possible for them not to be sore for a couple days after this. Looking forward to finding out. Also looking forward to an off day tomorrow.

Sleep report: Sleep seems to continue to improve. I stayed up until almost midnight last night and ended up coherent around 8am. I think I will try to stick to 10:30 on weekdays and midnight at the latest on the weekends for another stretch and see how I progress. I can always get to bed earlier on the weekend if I start to see regression in my recovery time.

My awesome wife snuck some pics of me during the last WOD this afternoon.

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