Press 1RM - 215
This is 10lb below my all time PR so I'm fairly happy with this. I got 220 to my forehead but no further.
Weighted strict pullup - 125
This was over hand grip outside shoulder and no kip at all. A bit of a neck stretch. I actually got 130 to the bar but no repped myself. Too much stretch and it wasnt "COVP"
20 sets of 5 UB CTB pullups - 8:58
I have butterfly CTB but stuck to regular kipping for about 16 of the 20 sets. PArtially because of my shoulder b more so because I felt like I would burn out faster with the butterfly.
21-15-9 Toes to Bar/Ringdips - 2:52
I thought I would be able to do these all unbroken because I'm really good at fast kipping ringdips. I hit the 21 and 15 round no problem but I only got 3 toes to bar on the last round before having to break, then surprisingly I had t break ring dips too. I'm still pretty happy with time. Next time I'm thinking closer to 2min flat with no breaks. BTW Angle is bad on the video, but the Ringdips are legit on lockout.
Pain Report -
Shoulders r/l Both are feeling good right now but I'm still sweating while writting this, we will see how they are tomorrow morning.
Hip r Pain is minimal. This is why I wanted to train today even though my shoulders were rough. I tend to feel better if I keep moving. Days off are lazy pain filled depression rides.
Legs are destroyed from the 50 Squats. This isn't joint pain though, it's the muscular kind I've grown to love over the years. Goodstuff
Today was a 7. Still no nap but I rested enough yesterday. Pain is a bit better. Also,I don't feel like a fat slob for laying around eating doughnuts like I did yesterday.
I failed on the press filming, didn't start until 220 which was my first miss.
125# weighted pullup
21-15-9 T2B/Ringdips
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