Friday, August 16, 2013


Doubleunders. F#@K my life.

Today was the most embarrassing workout of my life. It was down right depressing and it's taking everything in me to not hit something.

Front Squat 1RM - 340lb.
My all time PR is 245 which was right after a Front squat specific cycle aimed to get it up and I was ONLY lifting at that time. So this is pretty good for me. I actually failed it twice and got pissed but I managed to pull out a very ugly rep on the third try.

13.3 Open WOD
150 Wallballs 90 DU's 30 Muscle-ups 12min AMRAP - 5 Muscle-ups
This is beyond pitiful. I did this WOD in 2012 and got 11 MU's. This is frustrating because my Wallballs and MU's have improved. If I can't fix this, by the open I can kiss regionals goodbye. That's sad. Last time I was around 8:40 on the Wallballs and destroyed, I finished the DU's in about 2min and failed several MU's. THIS TIME I got done with WB's in 7:10 and felt pretty damn good. I stuck with 10 sets of 15 and rested exactly 10 sec between sets. Then it took me 4:30 FV@KING minutes to do 90 DU's what is wrong with me? I was then easily able to knocked out 5 unbroken MU's in 20 seconds before time ran out. There's plenty of excuses for this, OLY Shoes, Shitty rope, shitty food that day, blah blah blah. None of that matters, I should be able to do DU's upside down barefoot and on robotussin by now. I once could knock out 100 unbroken and I don't understand where I am missing it. I am going to go buy another rope and start over.

Pain wise I'm fine today. My hip was flaring up in the Front squats but nothing serious.

I'm at about a 4 today just mentally. I'm gonna go have a beer. Maybe that'll help.

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