Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Day two made me realize that I don't know my body as well as I thought.

2 Hang SquatCleans from below the knee @225lb. EMOM 10 minutes 
For some reason I thought this would be a walk in the park. But I miss judged my abilities because it wasn't. I managed to do all doubles without setting the bar back down. I had some serious knee valgus in the last couple rounds but racking it was never a problem and only caught it a little forward once or twice.

6 Touch n Go Squat Snatches @95% EMOM 10 minutes
So I was really worried about this one just because the had to all be touch n go and the total number was freaking 60. Again, I proved to be unaware of my own limits. I'm not kidding when I say it wasn't even hard until the last two rounds. All were touch n go and done in the same time/rhythm.

1min of AMRAP of sets of 10 unbroken doubleunders
1min Row moderate pace
DU sets per minute were 5,3,4,3,4,4,4,4,4,5 I only had three trip ups the entire time. Super happy about that!
The row I just tried to keep between a 1:45-55 pace the entire time. The getting in and out was the most time consuming part. I typically stopped a couple seconds before the min was up to undo the straps. Total meters rowed was 2,157m

Pain today is all muscular but I'm not gonna lie, I'm a just liiiittle beatup. But hey, I'm ok with that. No joint or serious issues.

Mentally today was A solid 7.5 until the Doubleunder WOD. After that it was a 9.

Thank the lord for RX ropes. They rule.

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