Deadlift 1RM - 515lb.
This was a 10lb PR. I stopped after this because I started to loose neutral spine. First time I've gone max on Deadlift in over 7 months.
Bench 1RM - 305lb.
This was suppose to be an incline max but I forgot while doing it and by the time I remembered, I was already at close to a max and I lost my spot so this will have to do. This is 10lb. below my all time PR. The GOOD news is 305 went up pretty darn easy, I think I would have had a PR in me on that too if time permitted and I had a spotter. (We were starting a coaches meeting)
21-15-9 Deadlift @315lb and Boxjumps 30" - 5:33
I was surprised by this score. I almost didn't even do it because I had been at the gym all day, hadn't eaten since breakfast (it was 4pm) and was thinking I was spent. Glad I did. I knew two things going in:
1. I had to get sub 7min to even hang at the regional level
2. I did NOT want to rebound off the floor for the BJ's, but step down after each one. This is because the combination of these movements down right scares the shit out of me and my heel cords.
I broke the Deadlifts up 15/6, 8/7, 3/3/3. I never stopped on the BoxJumps just took them slow and steady from the get go. If I want to be top of the pack on this I need to shave a minute off of my time meaning I would have to do the last round 5/4 and speed up the box jumps possibly rebound....ouch.
Pain Report
I don't feel too bad anywhere else but my lower back right now and that is just because it is so wrecked from the DL's. We will see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow. I need to do the Fran Open WOD but Monday is suppose to be an off day.
Overall feeling
Today I'm still around an 8 from yesterday. A little beat up and I didn't get enough food in me through mid day but over all things are moving up and to the right as they say.
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