Saturday, August 31, 2013


I died today.

Training was rough but the stripping the glue off the floors in the bathroom and painting the gym between the AM and PM was what really killed me.


Max Squat Snatch - 260lb
This wasn't too bad. I feel beat up from thursday still and this is only 15lb off my all time PR. Also, this is the most I've snatched since starting back doing crossfit so....10lb PR!! kinda. I MAAAYY have had more in me but I wanted to end on a positive note because I knew I had alot left to do that day. IDK though. My bigger lifts went 198,228,242, 255,260. No misses. 

Max Clean and Jerk - 315lb
Again, this is 15lb off my all time PR but the most I've lifted since starting back. Considering the volume I've been doing, I'm happy with this. I actually missed it the first try IN THE JERK. I don't even know the last time I've missed a jerk. All those push jerks from thursday obviously had me messed up. I came back and hit it no problem but again I stopped because of the rest of the training. (I needed to the clean was horrendous as you can tell in the video below)

5 TnG Thrusters @135 EMOM 10min.
So remember the other day when I said I thought the clean EMOM's would be easy and they weren't, then I thought the Snatch EMOMs would be tough and they weren't? Well I thought these would be really hard....and they were. So I guess that's an improvement on reading my own body?? HA. I did all TnG but the last two rounds were getting scary. That EMOM felt like an all out WOD to the point that if you were to ask me to do 50 Squat Clean thrusters for time, It probably would have taken about the same time. But hey that's the part of the point right?

Boxjump 30" (with step down)
This was actually not as bad as I thought it would be after everything else. Just enough to be outside my comfort zone so good. I did all the deadlifts unbroken but the 9, which I broke up 5/4. Not sure why. I'm probably capable of straight through so next time I'll prob go for it. The box jumps were all step down and no transition time between reps or rounds for that matter.


Run 30sec @85-90%
Walk 30sec
30 sets
This wasn't actually hard once I got started. It just took alot of mental toughness to go again after all that labor I did after my first session. I basically got to my parents house, laid down for twenty minutes on the floor then changed socks and went. I thought running out by them would have less traffic. I was wrong. It was also very hilly so 30min and several near death experiences later, I got back and crashed. I am fully wrecked and not really sure how I'm going to get through tomorrow but as weird as it sounds, I'm honestly kind of exciting to see since I'm going to do it or die trying. 

Pain report
I'm pretty much achy all over more than anywhere else. I don't think there is anything serious though. My right achilles is acting up and my left knee below my patella was bothering me a little during the run but I did it with no wraps and in some shoes way too small for me(I didn't have any running shoes available at the time) Seems better now though.

Mentally I am broken but not beaten. It felt good to push through today with all the extra crap I had to do. That bumps me up to a good 7 in retrospect.

315lb. CnJ

8th round of Thruster EMOMs

Friday, August 30, 2013


Posting this a little late. Just now getting enough strength to type again....

This was the first time I have trained before 11am in quite some time. I think it made an impact on my numbers but who knows, most of it is new territory anyways.


PushJerk 5 sets of 6-8 Rest 2min. - 206,226,236,246,256(All 8 reps but 256, failed on the 7th)
This was the one thing I thought I should  have done better on and maybe the morning had an affect on.  Another wrench in the works was doing these as a pushjerk. I have not pushjerked heavy in at least a year. It was tough and definitely something I will need to work on to get back. I recently did 315 for 3 but that was a split.

B1 BenchPress 5x5 rest 10 sec (205lb.)
B2 HSPU 20 for time rest 4 min
The fourth round obviously turned into a $h!tfest. The first three were without coming off the wall. All were kipping. The Bench should have probably been more like 225lb. but I didn't have a spot and didn't want to chance it.

15 Burpees AFAP
rest 4min
So I have a tendency to come down slow on my burpees because flying burpees are how I tore my labrum a little over three years ago. after the first two rounds I said screw it since I was more than warm. It obviously helped.


Prowler push
30sec @100% 
rest min 
Well that sucked....
Seriously, this was done on the worlds worst prowler. I have used quite a few in my time and the measly 135lb I had on this one is equal to 300lb on a decent one. Whats more is it kept tipping over forward even WITH my hands all the way at the base of the handles almost touching the plates. If I have not gotten a new one by the time these come up again I will be pushing a car.

Pain Report
I'm pretty freaking sore. All over. It starts at my ankle from doubleunders and ends at the top of my skull from HSPUs
This is a good pain except for the headache from the HSPU's I'm hoping it doesnt affect my Snatch CnJ Max outs tomorrow we will see...

Fail @ 256 for 8

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Day two made me realize that I don't know my body as well as I thought.

2 Hang SquatCleans from below the knee @225lb. EMOM 10 minutes 
For some reason I thought this would be a walk in the park. But I miss judged my abilities because it wasn't. I managed to do all doubles without setting the bar back down. I had some serious knee valgus in the last couple rounds but racking it was never a problem and only caught it a little forward once or twice.

6 Touch n Go Squat Snatches @95% EMOM 10 minutes
So I was really worried about this one just because the had to all be touch n go and the total number was freaking 60. Again, I proved to be unaware of my own limits. I'm not kidding when I say it wasn't even hard until the last two rounds. All were touch n go and done in the same time/rhythm.

1min of AMRAP of sets of 10 unbroken doubleunders
1min Row moderate pace
DU sets per minute were 5,3,4,3,4,4,4,4,4,5 I only had three trip ups the entire time. Super happy about that!
The row I just tried to keep between a 1:45-55 pace the entire time. The getting in and out was the most time consuming part. I typically stopped a couple seconds before the min was up to undo the straps. Total meters rowed was 2,157m

Pain today is all muscular but I'm not gonna lie, I'm a just liiiittle beatup. But hey, I'm ok with that. No joint or serious issues.

Mentally today was A solid 7.5 until the Doubleunder WOD. After that it was a 9.

Thank the lord for RX ropes. They rule.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Day one of after testing

So between, meetings, class, construction work and training, this was a helluva full day.

AM (really early PM)
x30 - 483Cal/9.5miles
I tried to stay between 1500/1600 cal/hr on my 85% and around 500cal/hr on my 50% the 85% moved up to about 1600-1700 at the end but the 50% dipped down so not sure if that's a good, bad, or indifferent sign. Big props to my awesome wife for doing this with me and Big Matt for doing half of it on the rower next to us.

PM (about an hour after first session)

A1 3 Weighted pullups @80lb. rest 10 sec x5 (7,8,9,8,9)
A2 10 CTB pullups rest 30sec x5 (34,33,34,34,37)
A3 6 Muscleups rest 4:30 (1:35,1:56,1:50,2:17,2:33)

I did each round on a running clock so these times were all compounding, meaning the CTB pull-ups started 10seconds after the weighted pull-ups and the MU's started 30sec after the CTB were done. (I.E. My CTB pullups in the first round actually only took me 17secs because I didn't start them until 17 seconds in.) 
Everything was consistent except for the muscleups. They were crazy hard after all that pulling right before. I went unbroken on everything else but those. They went rd1 5/1, rd2 3/2/1(with a miss that almost killed me) rd3 3/1/1/1, the all others were just singles, including one miss in the last round.


With a 3min countdown run 400m @85% then HSPU AMRAP in remaining time.
rest 3 min
Rd.1 1:37/28
Rd.2 1:45/23
Rd.3 1:39/21

I think the last round was a bit more than 85% but class was going on and didn't want to interrupt. I kipped every rep. I started out thinking I would begin with strict but my arms were still smoked from the pullups/muscleups. I stayed upside down the entire first round then had to split up the other two. 

Pain report
My low back got pretty tight on the run for some reason but only on my left side. This is odd because it was my Right that was rough a couple weeks ago. I feel ok now, just kinda sore in general but that's mainly the manuel labor I did afterwards. I peeled up all the tile in the back bathroom with a flattened hoe. Silly, but that wrecked me more than the training.

I am looking forward to this section of training. It's going to not only be a change of pace from the testing but also quite different from what I'm used to. Today, mentally I'm an 8.5. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Last day of testing and I'm ready to move forward. 

We went out and drank last night for the last "bday gathering" and man am I glad all of our celebrations are over. How did I make it through my early twenties? I used to drink like this all the time and now just the couple times for parties has just destroyed me. I didn't even drink all that much.

3rds @100% of 
250m Row
15 KBS 2pd
25 Burpees
15 KBS 2pd
250m Row
Rest exactly 12 min between rounds

3:52 / 3:56 / 4:06

First round I kept a 1:27 on the first row then held at 1:31 at the end. The KBS and Burpees were all unbroken and AFAP.

Second round was almost identical. Not worth breaking down.

Third round everything stayed the same except the row. I only had a 1:30 on the first one and couldn't get below a 1:33 for the second.

All my transitions were pretty quick and I didn't really have any hiccups. 

Pain is minimal everywhere today. Low back a little tight, but my upper back is probably the worst. Between the cleans yesterday and the pull-ups/KBS earlier this week. It's not crazy sore, just seems tight and haggard more than anything.

Today was like a 6.5 on the mental side, really just from staying out/up til 3am last night and sleeping in way too much today.

Farmer thought we were going SWIMMING in a pool last night instead of playing pool when the girls asked her if she wanted to come. I decided to make her feel better by dressing the part. 

Yes I am aware that there are way too many pictures of me in tank tops here recently. It's something I'm working on.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


One more day of testing and I'm ready to move on.

SquatClean 1RM - 325
I racked 335 perfectly (a would be PR) and just couldn't stand it up to save my life. This is only 7# off my PR so I'm ok with it. Damn I wanted 335 though.

Squat cleans @ 135
I paced this too much probably. I went 6-5-5-5 then 5-5-5, then 5-4 on the Cleans and all unbroken on the ring dips. Either way less rest or bigger sets next time. My quads have the staying power of the 80's  band soft cell.

10 min Airdyne for Max Calories - 221
Again, I went way too conservative on this one. I'm pretty sure I need to be around 300 on this one. I stayed at about 85% almost the entire time. I would have been better off going 30:30. Matt did this after me with going 30 @1800cal/hr and 30 @ 1200 cal/hr. Much better strategy. Oh well, Live and learn.


Pinned @ 335#

Thursday, August 22, 2013



Regionals WOD 2011
100 Pull-ups
100 KBS 1.5pd
100 Doubleunders
100 OHS

I now think I hate OHS more than Thrusters. I did the pullups,kbs,and DU's in about 13min, then took 10min on the OHS. It was pitiful. My back and quads were smoked. I tried and thought I could rest the bar on my back between squats but that didn't give me any rest on my back. I wanted to stop about 15 times during the OHS's. I was basically a little girl for about 10min. So here is the other side, I did much better on my DU's than last time they were in a WOD. That's a plus. Also, I know this time sucks by todays regionals standard BUT in 2011, it would have gotten me 1st place in my region. HAHAHA. This isn't really good news but it makes me feel a little better knowing that if I had a time machine, I'd be a badass...

Pain Report

Quads - have DOMS for the first time in a while but this doesn't bother me that much. We will see how the 48hr window goes.

Low Back - I can feel it but it's actually not as bad as I thought. Not enough to really slow me down, at least not on an off day.

Upper back/Traps - More muscular soreness from the OHS, DU's,....well shit all of it.

Right now, I have coffee in me, I'm off training for the day, and I don't have to be in the gym til 3pm so I'd say today's almost a 9!!

 Me inside my little OHS HELL

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Skills and 13.1

I actually broke this up due to time yesterday. So I just filmed the skills yesterday and did 13.1 today.

Skills - I'll just let you watch the video for the details. Much easier that way.

13.1 - 170 (20 reps@165)
I was really wanting to get to the 210 on this one knew, just based on the scores of others it was probably not going to happen. I didn't want to redline since this was out of my wheel house time wise so I went two sets of 15 on the 75's then 10 sets of 3 on the 135's, then singles on the 165's All rest was no more than 10 seconds. The burpees (to the 6" reach like in the open)weren't bad at all. Steady and never stopped to rest. I had some chalk issues that slowed me down (I forgot to put my straps on to stop the sweat form dipping to my hands and I had to chalk up way too often as a result) Will definitely fix that next time. This score would have put my at 60th for my region. Not bad but still not cutting the mustard considering this should be one of my stronger events. Fixing the chalk issue and more work in that time domain should get me to that 210.

Pain report
Back is a little tight but way than I thought it would be with this work out so good news. 
Left Shoulder is acting up but nothing serious. It should be fine tomorrow morning.

Today I felt really tired, I think it was the weekend though, I drank both friday and saturday which is completely not in my routine since starting training. First time since my birthday I think. Taking off between the fire breather challenge, Elises 30th, and family in town just screwed me. Felt great to do well today in spite the lack of motivation. Testing is almost over. I can't wait to get behind the ball and drive. We will call it a 7.5

One of the reps at 165

Skills Filming

Friday, August 16, 2013


Doubleunders. F#@K my life.

Today was the most embarrassing workout of my life. It was down right depressing and it's taking everything in me to not hit something.

Front Squat 1RM - 340lb.
My all time PR is 245 which was right after a Front squat specific cycle aimed to get it up and I was ONLY lifting at that time. So this is pretty good for me. I actually failed it twice and got pissed but I managed to pull out a very ugly rep on the third try.

13.3 Open WOD
150 Wallballs 90 DU's 30 Muscle-ups 12min AMRAP - 5 Muscle-ups
This is beyond pitiful. I did this WOD in 2012 and got 11 MU's. This is frustrating because my Wallballs and MU's have improved. If I can't fix this, by the open I can kiss regionals goodbye. That's sad. Last time I was around 8:40 on the Wallballs and destroyed, I finished the DU's in about 2min and failed several MU's. THIS TIME I got done with WB's in 7:10 and felt pretty damn good. I stuck with 10 sets of 15 and rested exactly 10 sec between sets. Then it took me 4:30 FV@KING minutes to do 90 DU's what is wrong with me? I was then easily able to knocked out 5 unbroken MU's in 20 seconds before time ran out. There's plenty of excuses for this, OLY Shoes, Shitty rope, shitty food that day, blah blah blah. None of that matters, I should be able to do DU's upside down barefoot and on robotussin by now. I once could knock out 100 unbroken and I don't understand where I am missing it. I am going to go buy another rope and start over.

Pain wise I'm fine today. My hip was flaring up in the Front squats but nothing serious.

I'm at about a 4 today just mentally. I'm gonna go have a beer. Maybe that'll help.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013



That's really all I should have to put. I was, oddly enough, looking forward to this one. It's twice as far as I've ever rowed before but I knew that if I could hit a pace and stay steady I would make it through fine.

60 Min Row for Meters - 14,223
I started at a conservative 2:10 pace. I hit the first 5k at 20:30, the the 10k at 42:30. My average pace over the hour was 2:06. I had a couple issues with having to pull with one arm to help people with fans, music, etc. and that slowed my middle splits down considerably but I never stopped rowing.  I have no idea this stacks up to other competitors but I know I had an awesome group of about 8 friends that did it with me and of the ones that finished, I was 2500 ahead of the next person. The first 20min and the last 10min was fairly rough but the middle 30 was actually nice. Sort of a rowers high I guess. I made about a 1:45 500m for the last sprint. 

Pain report

My hands and ass changed back and forth between tingling, hurting, and being numb. But I had almost zero recovery time afterwards. I feel fine now about an hour later and my back is actually a little better than it was when I woke up today.

Over all today I'll call this an 8-9 for feeling today.

Still a puddle of sweat an hour later where my rower was.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Today I felt worse after the WOD than any other time in my life that I can remember. I laid on the ground for at least 35 minutes before being able to get up without the threat of throwing up or passing out. This is good though. I needed this.

13.5 Open WOD
4Min AMRAP 15 Thusters@100 15 CTB pullups
If you make 3 rounds in 4min you get a 4min extension and so on and so on.

I got 123 reps or 4 rounds and 3 thrusters
I knew I had to get at least a 1:15 split on the first 3 rounds to make the cap. I got the first round done at 50 sec. (all butterfly pull-ups) then started the second round at 1min. I got done with the second round at 2:08(I think 10 butterfly then 5 regular kipping). I started the last at 2:20. I had to break up the thrusters up into 5's and all my CTB's were regular. The last ten were all singles with no rest. I did this on purpose to try and save a little bit for the next round. I finished at 3:56. That when the shit fest started. I did sets of 5 on the thrusters again and all singles on the chest to bars with lots of rest. Finally ending with 3 thrusters as the clock ran out. This is no where near impressive and much improvement needs to be made. I need to be in the 150's I think. HOWEVER, thrusters have always been my weakest link so getting this score (put me around 190 in my region) was a victory considering I'm just starting from scratch pretty much and only in the testing phase. I'm really looking forward to seeing my next shot at this not only for the better score but hopefully recovering better and not feeling so horrible. I do also know that my entire back being wrecked from the deadlifts had a large part in my post WOD near death experience.

Pain report

All pain has been reduced to pretty much regular soreness. I don't feel any real pulls or scary joint/tendon issues anymore so that's good BUT I am completely wreck from head to toe right now. I'm actually looking FORWARD to a 60min row tomorrow. God, didn't think I'd ever say that.

Today is maybe a 7 just for mental reasons though. Anxiety, poor sleep last night, and all that, glad it's over. NEXT!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


 I continue to improve as my body slowly adapts. Another PR and a good time on a regionals WOD was a plus for me today. BUT I screwed up on the incline bench and I didn't have enough time to do the second WOD today. This however was fine because my back is destroyed and I'm reeeaaalllly trying not to push it past my limit during the testing phase.

Deadlift 1RM - 515lb.
This was a 10lb PR. I stopped after this because I started to loose neutral spine. First time I've gone max on Deadlift in over 7 months.

Bench 1RM - 305lb.
This was suppose to be an incline max but I forgot while doing it and by the time I remembered, I was already at close to a max and I lost my spot so this will have to do. This is 10lb. below my all time PR. The GOOD news is 305 went up pretty darn easy, I think I would have had a PR in me on that too if time permitted and I had a spotter. (We were starting a coaches meeting)

21-15-9 Deadlift @315lb and Boxjumps 30" - 5:33
I was surprised by this score. I almost didn't even do it because I had been at the gym all day, hadn't eaten since breakfast (it was 4pm) and was thinking I was spent. Glad I did. I knew two things going in:

1. I had to get sub 7min to even hang at the regional level
2. I did NOT want to rebound off the floor for the BJ's, but step down after each one. This is because the combination of these movements down right scares the shit out of me and my heel cords.

I broke the Deadlifts up 15/6, 8/7, 3/3/3. I never stopped on the BoxJumps just took them slow and steady from the get go. If I want to be top of the pack on this I need to shave a minute off of my time meaning I would have to do the last round 5/4 and speed up the box jumps possibly rebound....ouch.

Pain Report

I don't feel too bad anywhere else but my lower back right now and that is just because it is so wrecked from the DL's. We will see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow. I need to do the Fran Open WOD but Monday is suppose to be an off day.

Overall feeling
Today I'm still around an 8 from yesterday. A little beat up and I didn't get enough food in me through mid day but over all things are moving up and to the right as they say.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

8/10/2013 Redemption

It's been sobering having to deal with this joint pain and what I consider poor scores. Today I waited to train and went to see some of my amazing athletes compete in the World Wide Wod. It's always inspiring to watch people at all levels compete and many of our family today tried it out for their first time!! It both got me fired up to train and exhausted all at the same time. By the end of the Competition I was sweating, tired, and horse from yelling and then thought, crap I still have to workout haha. I felt tired the whole time, but I still managed to pull out two PR's even if one was realllly ugly. This is a bit of a milestone because it's the first lifting PR since starting crossfit again. I came out of today feeling great and ready to attack the next one.

Find 1RM in Power Clean - 305
My previous best was only 300. Now I must admit this was by far the ugliest clean I ever made(uglier than alot of ones I've missed actually) and it was just baaarrreelllly above parallel. But I'll still take it.

8Min AMRAP of Power Cleans @ 90% of days 1RM - 21 @270
Because I didn't have 1lb plates and my clean was so ugly I rounded down. I went in thinking 24 was doable and it should be soon but I was honestly just more focused not missing any since I had two misses on the Snatch WOD last week. I started and stayed with singles and I made everyone. I think I need to be at one every 15 seconds for this one.

Lactate Tester
3rd. of 25 KBS @2pd and 25 Burpees - 7:08
This was a big deal for me. First off I beat Dr. Eric in this(we did it at our gym this past wed) and this is his kind of workout. Secondly it was a 61second PR from my previous time which was before I started lifting. This tells me I'm not only stronger than when I started my journey but I'm performing better in a domain I've always considered to be a weakness. I think this time puts me high up with the big dawgs. Super happy.

My strategy was to go unbroken on the KBS and keep a non redline pace for the first two rounds of burpees to have me at a 2:30 split then blow out the last burpees. It worked, I had enough in the tank to shave off almost 30 seconds in the last round.

Pain report

Shoulders are feeling better but I'm still nagging in certain positions. I need to continue to take it easy on them.

Hip is better after a brutal 30min battle with Coach Matt (AKA My pain management specialist) on the massage table yesterday.

Low back started to tighten up on the last round of KBS but isn't as bad as I thought it would be. We will see how I feel in the morning.

I went into today with feeling at about a 3 and ended at about an 8.5 so I can't complain about that.

Last Burpee. Cool shot.

BONUS!!!! After looking for one for about 10 months at places around here, I saw that Max programmed a 10 Min Max Calories on the Airdyne Workout for me for testing and I randomly drove down to a local used exercise store and found an Airdyne with a working monitor. I've probably gone in there 15 times since I moved here and nothing. It's almost like the stars of lactic acid and performance are lining up. Bring on the pain.

Check out this badboy.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I am one day behind per coach Max. I tweaked my shoulder pretty bad somewhere along the way with the musclesups and hspu's. I was pretty scared the other day and it still is sharp in some positions so I came in slow today, I didn't think the press 1RM would bother me then when I did a couple strict pullups I was fine for the weighted 1RM. After that I went ahead and did the rest of training. It was all pain free.....well as much as testing can be ;)

Press 1RM - 215
This is 10lb below my all time PR so I'm fairly happy with this. I got 220 to my forehead but no further.

Weighted strict pullup - 125
This was over hand grip outside shoulder and no kip at all. A bit of a neck stretch. I actually got 130 to the bar but no repped myself. Too much stretch and it wasnt "COVP"

20 sets of 5 UB CTB pullups - 8:58
I have butterfly CTB but stuck to regular kipping for about 16 of the 20 sets. PArtially because of my shoulder b more so because I felt like I would burn out faster with the butterfly.

21-15-9 Toes to Bar/Ringdips - 2:52
I thought I would be able to do these all unbroken because I'm really good at fast kipping ringdips. I hit the 21 and 15 round no problem but I only got 3 toes to bar on the last round before having to break, then surprisingly I had t break ring dips too. I'm still pretty happy with time. Next time I'm thinking closer to 2min flat with no breaks. BTW Angle is bad on the video, but the Ringdips are legit on lockout.

Pain Report -

Shoulders r/l Both are feeling good right now but I'm still sweating while writting this, we will see how they are tomorrow morning.

Hip r Pain is minimal. This is why I wanted to train today even though my shoulders were rough. I tend to feel better if I keep moving. Days off are lazy pain filled depression rides.

Legs are destroyed from the 50 Squats. This isn't joint pain though, it's the muscular kind I've grown to love over the years. Goodstuff

Today was a 7. Still no nap but I rested enough yesterday. Pain is a bit better. Also,I don't feel like a fat slob for laying around eating doughnuts like I did yesterday.

I failed on the press filming, didn't start until 220 which was my first miss.

125# weighted pullup

21-15-9 T2B/Ringdips

Tuesday, August 6, 2013



Snatch 15 min to find a 1RM - 250
This is a little over 90% of my PR but going with the same trend of adapting to the new training, I missed 245 several times last week so a move in the right direction.

20 Snatches @77% of days 1RM - 9:16@193lb.
I really went slow on this because of my shoulder and the worries of missing. I still missed twice but the shoulder felt fine. I stayed with singles even though I feel like I could have gone TnG for 3-5 reps. I was honestly thinking about all the squats I would have to do after even though I was trying not to.

50 Backsquats @ 265 - 7:57
This was rough. I'd this before with 235 in somewhere around 5:30, so I'm fairly happy with this time. I feel like I need to be sub 6 on this though. The good news is my legs felt like the cement columns that hold up overpasses after this. Too bad they still look skinny...

Pain Report

Right shoulder is rough. Feels close to when I tore my labrum a couple years back but deeper.

Right side Hip is worse today. Not constant pain but the squats definitely irritated it.

Low Back. I should have dumped the 50th rep on back squats because I was loosing neutral spine but I'll be damned if I was going to have to pick up that damn barbell for one freaking rep. Plus I really wanted sub 8 ;)

I may take it a little easier tomorrow as my shoulder has me a bit worried. Good day in training today. Out side of my comfort zone but I think I did what I needed to do. I really think I will destroy these times at the next testing.

Overall feeling today is a 6.
3 points off for pain and one for not getting in a nap. I'll change that last point tomorrow.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


"What you plant now, you harvest later."

AM Session

HBBSquat 1RM - 385lb.
This is technically 20lb under my PR HOWEVER that was when I was only lifting. I tried to max out on this last week to see how much it went down with all this volume of other stuff and I only got 365lb. so this is a good sign to me that my body is adapting to the new training. I hope to be back in the 400's soon.

30 Muscle-ups for time - 6:50
I was not happy with this at all. I failed about 6 attempts. I started regular grip for 6, then back up for another 6 and failed the last one when the straps came loose and got tangled up in my arm. After this it was a struggle. I know it's not an excuse but having those straps flying all over the place is a pain. I went to false grip after that and doubles then to single at 15. I was hoping for at least sub 5min. need to game the rest better. Once I burnt out it got ugly. Next time. Filming was also a big failure on this. It cut off 90 seconds in. Kept going.

100 HSPU's for time (first 50 Strict) - 3:29 for 50 12:57 total
I waited about 20 min after MU's and the first 50 kind of redeemed me. I fell apart quick after that though. I feel like I paced it pretty well, I was just honestly smoked after the MU's and had no shoulder/tricep capacity left.
Fresh, I believe sub 10 is possible.

PM Session

CTB Pullups 
I had anxiety about this one but it went well. I kept about an 80% pace on the 21 burpees then hit all Butterfly CTB unbroken, then back to 80% on the 15 burpees. I hit 10 Butterfly unbroken then the other 5 of the round were regular CTB. I had alot more gas in the tank so I floored it on the last 9 burpees but only got 3 Butterfly CTB before dropping off, then I did two kipping and then did singles but with no rest for the last 4. If I were to do it again I would have upped the burpees just a little. I tried to video this one and it was a complete failure. the camera stopped at 3 seconds in...FML I did have Coach Tim AKA ROM nazi watching me and he said they were legit.

Pain Report:
Scale of 1-10. 1 Being a million bucks and 10 Being needing amputation 

Hip right side: 4

Thoracic spine: 6

Left Shoulder Ant Labrum area: 4

Low Back: 6

Over all I would give today a 7 for training (1 being the worst and 10 being the best) I'm wore out/beat up but energy wise I'm great. I feel like a day off will be all I need to recover and hit it hard tuesday.

HBBS @385

100 HSPU for time. Had to break it into two videos but I don't think we missed any reps.

Day One 8/3/2013

 Saturday was the First day of my 3 week testing phase.

3k for time w/HR monitor

13.4 Open WOD
7Min Ascending ladder of CnJ@135 and T2B
3-6-9-12-15 etc.

I actually had ran the same distance with Coach Tim the day before so we decided to put that one off until later.

98 Reps
For the Ladder I went TnG on the first two rounds on CnJ, then split TnG 5/4 on the 9 round and 4 sets of 3 on 12. for 15 I started with TnG 3 and went to drops with pretty much no rest. I went unbroken on the T2B for the first 4 rounds and only came off the bar on my set of 15 because I thought I was done but my counter told me I had one left. We both also messed up the CnJ count on the set of 15 so I was one shy. My score would have put me 220 in my region but that's not what I felt good about. It was how much I held back. I was really wanting to pace myself and not redline this one. I actually paced a bit too much. I was able to go TnG on the last 4 reps of my 18 set of CnJ before the clock went out. I feel like I could have had another 10 reps easy if I would have known where my 95% pace was and hadn't stopped three times to ask where I was. This messed with my head.
 This made me feel great as that score would bring me up to 24th in the region. Next time I hit this my goal will be 110 with more TnG's and less singles, also no missed counting.

Here's a Picture of Donovan OHS Squatting a Lamb and Winning our gyms pic contest. Enjoy.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Automotive Salvage Recycling, Junkyard, Parts man.

 These are some of the worst words in the world to me. Weird how words can feel like weights attached to your ankles and neck, like blows to the gut and face. It's insane to me how they can make you feel like almost dying in a car crash or falling off a cliff. Good thing I'll never have to to be those words again. I'll never have to be words that are not me again. I'm not sure how I have gotten myself to this place, what path I stumbled down to arrive at this point, damned if I stopped and asked for directions. I never fancied myself a lucky man, but then again, I never fancied myself a blogger. 
Here I am free of those things and where I have wanted to be since I was a little kid. 

 Anyone that has followed this blog or known me the last year has seen the start and knows the end. Funny thing about reality though, the movie doesn't stop. Ya, there's endings but then it's just credits and another movie, and another one, and another...     

 Since this is more of a continuation than a new start, I suppose no real introduction is needed. I'll simply say with this:
I have new goals, more confidence, more support, and zero excuses. I have an even larger task ahead of me and I'm ready to forget everything else. I'm ready to show everyone that I'm a different creature now than I was yesterday. Send me.

I met with my new coach today. I start testing tomorrow. Let's get started. Again.

Regionals 2014