Saturday, December 28, 2013


I've had this weird muscle spasm in the lower left portion of my chest near my Xiphoid process for a couple days. No pain, just feels like a fish flopping around in there. At first I thought it may have been something with my heart, but my blood pressure and resting heart rate are just about text book perfect. It comes and goes. It may happen for a minute or an hour. Anyways long story short, it's been bothering me so I've been taking it easy. I trained yesterday.


Weighted wide grip strict pull-ups (eccentric only with a 4 second drop) 5 sets of 8
This was harder than it sounded. I used a 40lb vest for all sets.

1.Press 6-8 reps rest 1min
2.Bench 12-15 reps rest 1min
This got tough even though I started out light as far as I was concerned with. 
I did 135 on press for 8 reps on the first 3 sets and 145 for 15 on bench for the first 3 sets
After that I went to 125 on press and 135 on bench. I also dropped to 8 and 12 reps.

Bent over rows supinated grip 6 sets of 8-10 reps rest 2min
I started with 10 reps @165 but moved to 8 reps. This was more because of time concerns. I was really cutting it close for an intro

Strict toes to bar AMRAP UB x6 rest 2min
I had to do this later during a class. I did 15, then 10 every sets. This wasn't my max but I was worried about my lower chest and my shoulder. It definitely was tough the last couple sets though.

2 eggs in coconut oil at about 10am

Salad with chicken, grapes, and walnuts with ranch dressing(approx 4oz chicken)2pm

white chicken chili(3cups) chicken ceasar salad (4oz chicken) 7:30pm

Sleep: I stopped taking the melatonin but I also didn't have ANY coffee yesterday so I slept pretty good. I'm going to hold back on the caffeine for a while and I'm probably stopping the alcohol all together. I got pretty lazy with it over the last couple weeks.

Pain: Nothing really. Low back is a bit tight but not bad at all. That flopping in my chest doesn't hurt it is just annoying and worried me for a little bit.

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