I've been playing it really safe lately. Really safe. Wasn't really feeling it saturday for some reason.
A. Power snatch clusters; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 min
I went to 205 for this one. Was probably the right weight.
B. Squat clean TnG; 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
I went like with this. Only worked up to 205. Should have been 225 across all sets.
C. 10 TnG deadlift 315# x5; rest 2:30
I only "worked up" to 315(last two sets)
D. Barbell walking lunges; 20 continuous alt'ing steps x4; rest 2 min
This was done at 95#
A. Split jerk; build to a tough single
i worked up to 350. This is 15 below my PR but its more than I've done since being back to crossfit and I probably had a little more in me
B1. Push press; 4-5x5; rest 1 min
B2. Muscle ups; 5 for time x5; rest 2 min
I sandbagged the pushpress with 135 but I haven't done the fatigue work in a minute and was worried about the shoulder. It actually felt good up to here
C. Weighted dip; 4-5x3; rest 2 min
I did this with 40lb but after them my shoulder started really bothering me so I called it for the day
CTB chin ups
ring dips
I guess the weighted dips did me in so I stayed away from this one.
Pain report- Shoulder isnt sore but I have quite a bit of joint pain in certain positions Lower and upper back is a little sore prob from a couple missed jerks.
Sleep report- I have been dabbling in alcohol with all the get togethers lately. That's been effecting my sleep. It stops now though, at least during the week.
Mentally I'm around a 7.
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