Falling behind posting. New year, and all that crap. Excuses…
Split jerk 1 rep every 30sec for 30 reps @65%
I did this at 235lb. Not bad
CTB strict AMRAP rest 2:30 x5
I did these strict instead of kipping as my shoulder was a little loose after all the jerks.
end up around 10 each time
Burpees 20 AFAP x3 rest 3min
I was also suppose to do box jumps and toes to bar but didn because of time and shoulder bugging me
Squat snatch 1RM
277lb. All time PR really happy as last time I hit a PR was 275 and I was only weightlifting and I was hurting everywhere and beat up constantly. I felt fresh like a daisy before and afterwards. Good feeling knowing you can be health and strong at the same time.
OHS 3x3 rest 3min
I only did 205 on this. Saving the shoulders again.
Back Squat 5x5 rest 3min
I only did 315 on this. I haven't been doing heavy squats a lot and this was fairly difficult but I was focusing on zero knee valgus, maintaining heel drive and not hiking my ass up to get the hamstring into it. These things have always been where I revert to when the weight gets heavy and I want to change that.
I messed around with some hang squat cleans a little but decided the ladder AMRAP that was programmed was most likely not going to happen without quite a bit of poor form and bad kind of pain.
I did the yoga class. Man this shit is awesome. I especially recommend it to any athlete that trains at high volume. If I could get every one of my big dawns doing this, we would see enough PR's in lifts from improved mobility, to make your head spin.
Pushpress clusters 5.5.5x5 rest 45sec; rest 3min
did this at 135lb. Probably a little light but felt good
2 Weighted strict pullups @20lb. rest 20sec
10 UB CTB pullups rest 40sec
7 MU's for time rest 5min
I only did 4 rounds of this because my shoulder started giving me those early warning signs.
I skipped the ring dips as thats what bothered my shoulder
Tabata sit-ups
highest was 13, lowest was 10
Ask Coach: I know you said you really wanted me being hyper aware of my body and not letting my ego dictate my volume/numbers etc. Am I doing this right? I sometimes feel bad for not doing the things that are in the design. It's like a little angel and devil on each side of my shoulder. I know what I would tell my General health clients, but wanted to verify with you.
Pain report: It turns out that years of beating the shit out of myself has left me with a pretty good knowledge of what not pushing the limit feels like. Funny. I've been holding back when I get the signs of something going south so there's really no pain. Of course there is some soreness but the good kind and not much of it.
Sleep: last couple nights I have been doing poorly on hitting the sack early but that will change as the holiday schedule ends and things go back to normal.
10am 3 egg omelet with bacon, cheese and mushrooms
2pm 2 cups of lintel bean soup, 6oz. of chick with feta, and spinach and about 6 cups of salad with olives, tomatoes, onions, and feta.
8:30pm 10 hotwings and about 6 cups of a caesar salad
9:30pm 2pieces of key lime pie
9:30am 2 eggs with sharp white cheddar
2:30pm Bout to go cook a bacon wrapped pork tenderloin(8oz) with collard greens and black eyed peas (about 2 cups of each)