Saturday, September 29, 2012

Patience and PRing

 Let me start out by saying I did something I have never done today. I missed a clean backwards. In other words, I caught it at the bottom but lost my balance and fell onto my back with the bar crashing down on me. Not once, but twice. Fortunately I'm not fat or have a ridiculously large chest so it didn't come into contact with me when I fell but it was still damn embarrassing even though I was alone in the gym. These were at weights I can do for doubles (275-285). This was beyond frustrating and I almost called it a day. Almost. Maybe all the coconut water and creatine was screwing with my brain because I said "Nope, I'm getting 300 before I leave and I have to make 275 first."
 After my two back to back bumbles I was shaken but then something happened. 275 went over head and even though it felt heavy I realized the thing inside my head that needed to click had clicked. I didn't miss a single lift after that. 275, 285, 291, 295, 297, and 300. Yes, I Clean and jerked 300lbs. today. It wasn't pretty but for a training lift it was good. I felt like I had three more lifts in me but I cut it off. I set out to get 300 and I did. That was a victory that I did not want to spoil with a failed lift. Because I had the patience to keep going when I needed to and the intelligence to call a win a win, I will wake up tomorrow feeling stronger and ready to rip the bar like I'm "ripping the damn a head off of a Lion"(Shankle). I finished with front squats for 3 sets of 3 at 275 to remind my legs they don't get a free day just because I PR'd. I do however plan on rewarding myself with food later like a dog.
 I think people have trouble understanding the colors of patience and stubbornness. The difference is a fickle bitch and never quite clear until after the fact. Today I rode it all the way to a PR. Maybe next time I will again, or maybe not. Either way...

Back Under The Bar 2013

failure, patience, and 300lb. PR

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