Another couple missed sessions so here is the last one.
Jerk off the blocks
I stopped 345, this is about 30lb below my max but pretty happy since I haven't jerked from the block in at least two months. I actually missed it once then rested about 60sec and made it.
Front Squat
I was doing doubles and PR at 340, then I went for 350 and only got one, which was a PR single. Good stuff. The Safety bar Squats are helping. I didn't budge forward, just didn't have the juice in the legs.
A buttload of mobility. Banded scap work, yoga positions, banded good mornings, etc.
Snatch of blocks (above knee)
I worked up to 124kg(273) which is only 4lb. off my all time PR from the ground so this was actually really cool. I missed it and then was an idiot and went for it agin immediately afterwards and missed again. finally I composed myself and I dropped back down to 90kg, then 110kg, then came back and made it.
3@245 EMOM 15min.
This was playing around with something coach and I were talking about. I didn't feel a huge pump during but definitely got DOMS from it so pretty cool.
I jumped in with the 5:30 big dawg class and did 5RM on Weighted strict pull-ups
I went 40,60,80, then got 3 3/4 with 100. Didn't really have a previous on this. I've gotten 90 for 3, and 120 for 1 for sure. Felt good.
Pain: I've had this pain in my left knee for a while that is weird. It feel like an impact pain, as in it was hit and is sore to the touch but it hasn't really stopped and flares up after I train. I took saturday and today off before training tomorrow to see how it feel after two days off. Doesn't hurt when I have my sleeves on and am wrapped during training, just after. Getting old sucks. Everything else is ok. Elbow pain is only in certain odd positions and doesn't really effect me in day to day activities or in training anymore, though I can tell it's still there. Hopefully the slow body building and rehab movements will continue to help. Back stays a little tight in the morning, funny, it seems to get worse the less I train, there's some motivation right there.
Sleep/Supplements: I've been taking a supplement call sovereign which is a sleep aid but without any l-dopa or gabba stuff so no drunk feeling. I really think it is actually working. I've noticed a difference in my body composition in the mornings which I think is directly related. I also got back on ZMA and Vit-D. In addition to these, I've been taking Grassfed Ghee and MCT oil in my espresso in the mornings(of which I drink way too much) but I've been trying to not have any caffeine past 2pm.